Telephone: 01264 886021, Email: Well send you a link to a feedback form. Corrections to the published statistics will be made if errors are found, or if figures change as a result of improvements to methodology or changes to definitions. The Army had the highest proportion of minority . Telephone: 01264 886021, Email: If recruitment pipelines dry up and services reduce end-strength numbers, current members . They are broken down by Service, and by Officers and Other Ranks. The Trained Strength definition for the Royal Navy, RAF, Maritime Reserve and RAF Reserves has not changed, reflecting the requirement for their personnel to complete Phase 2 training to be able to fulfil the core function of their respective Services. You have rejected additional cookies. This change enabled the Army to meet the SDSR 15 commitment to improve support to UK resilience. This publication provides information on the number of Military Personnel (defined as the strength), joining (intake) and leaving (outflow) the UK Armed Forces. Telephone: 030 6798 4423, Health Information: Prior to SDSR 2015, publications reported against the planned Future Force 2020, as set out in the SDSR 2010 which planned to reduce the size of the Armed Forces. They are just as likely as others to complete their first term and make sergeant, and are less likely to leave the Army for health or performance reasons. Figure 4: Outflow of trained (RN/RM & RAF) and trade trained (Army) UK Regulars by exit reason (12 months to 31 March 2021). Defence Statistics welcome feedback on our statistical products. Other contact points within the Ministry of Defence for Statistics are listed below. This publication. Military recruiting and retention activities are typically conducted in person, but with COVID-19-related stay-at-home orders and social distancing requirements, the armed services had to quickly adapt their policies and procedures or risk missing their end strength objectives. Attracting qualified recruits and the costs associated with essential skills training make military recruitment an ongoing challenge; low recruitment affects, among other things, enlistee counts, unit readiness, and morale. This is a decrease of 10 personnel (0.3 per cent) since 1 January 2021. Corrections to the published statistics will be made if errors are found, or if figures change as a result of improvements to methodology or changes to definitions. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. The total intake rates for each Service in the 12 months to 1 April 2021 are as follows: The total outflow rates for each Service in the 12 months to 1 April 2021 are as follows: Figure 11: Intake to and Outflow from the FR20 Reserves over rolling 12-month periods. This has decreased compared to the net intake of 3,190 in the 12 months to 31 December 2020. This statistical release presents information relating to the gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion and age of Military Personnel employed by the Ministry of Defence (MOD). Percentages are calculated from unrounded data and presented to one decimal place. The changes outlined in the consultation and response have been incorporated into this publication from the 1 October 2016 edition onwards. Apart from the Applications section, Figures in this publication have been rounded to the nearest 10, though numbers ending in a 5 have been rounded to the nearest multiple of 20 to prevent the systematic bias caused by always rounding numbers upwards. The RAND Corporation is a research organization that develops solutions to public policy challenges to help make communities throughout the world safer and more secure, healthier and more prosperous. In the 12 months to 31 March 2021, the VO rate amongst Other Ranks was 3.2 per cent, this is higher than the VO rate for Officers which was 4.4 per cent. RF30 builds on the work carried out by FR20;the RF30 Review offers 18 recommendations grouped into four key areas in which the Reserves will need to continue to adapt in order to develop their utility. There has been a revision to the number of Army Volunteer Reserve personnel as at 1 October 2018 due to a processing error. These figures are not comparable with the figures up until 12 months ending 30 September 2017, as the data is drawn from different databases and have differing definitions of an application. If you wish to correspond by mail, our postal address is: Analysis (Tri-Service) The Full-time Trained Strength (FTTS) Royal Navy/Royal Marines and Royal Air Force (RN/RM & RAF) and Full-time Trade Trained Strength (FTTTS) (Army) (which comprises military personnel who have completed both Phase 1 and Phase 2 training) is counted against the Workforce Requirement. SW1A 2HB, For general MOD enquiries, please call: 020 7218 9000. RAND has provided objective evaluations and recommendations that support decisionmakers' efforts to monitor and manage military recruiting, including examinations of demographic groups and communities where recruiting could be more successful. Percentages are calculated from unrounded data and presented to one decimal place. RAND is nonprofit, nonpartisan, and committed to the public interest. This is in contrast to a net loss of 1,500 for the 12 months to 31 March 2020. UK Service Personnel comprise the total strength of the military personnel employed by the Ministry of Defence (Excel tables, Table 1). The total Trained and Untrained Strength of the Tri-Service Future Reserves 2020 at 1 April 2021 was 37,410, an increase of 400 personnel or 1.1 per cent since 1 April 2020. VO Rate is the number of personnel voluntarily outflowing as a proportion of the average Trained Strength for the outflow period. London In the 12 months to 31 March 2021, there was a net gain of trained strength of 4,630 personnel to the UK Regular Forces. Further historic statistics will be added in due course; in the meantime, historic statistics can be found in the following archived publications: The glossary contains definitions of terminology used in this publication. Whitehall The SDSR 2015 Defence Key Facts booklet announced new targets for 2020 for each of the Services. Following this, the term Trained Strength would include all Army personnel trained in the core function of their Service (i.e. Here's how it breaks down: U.S. Navy recruiting in 2021: 33,559 U.S. Army recruiting in 2021: 57,606 Army National Guard: 42,957 While these numbers might look promising, they've been falling in recent years. Figures for the period between the introduction of DRS in November 2017 and 30 June 2018 are not available as they are not of the required validity for publication. If you have any comments or questions about this publication or about our statistics in general, you can contact us as follows: Responsible statistician: Analysis Tri-Service However, the Ministry of Defences recruitment campaign is a long-term programme and numbers continue to grow. The military's size has been consistent over the last 20 years, growing or shrinking by 3% or less in any year. Figures relate to the number of applications received and not the number of applicants, as one applicant may submit several applications; For successful applicants who accept an offer to join the Services, there is a substantial processing time between their application being received and the applicant joining the Services. Military: Biannual diversity statistics MOD sponsored cadet forces statistics Quarterly service personnel statistics Civilian: Biannual civilian diversity dashboard Biannual civilian. The authors examine the nontechnical attributes needed to conduct challenging missions and the process for selecting candidates who can succeed. Around 9.6% of personnel (14,110) self-identified as belonging to a minority ethnic group (compared to an estimated 14.3% of the total UK population). Further historic statistics will be added in due course; in the meantime, historic statistics can be found in the following archived publications: The glossary contains definitions of terminology used in this publication. U.S. military size for 2018 was 1,379,800.00, a 1.53% increase from 2017. Outflow has increased by 11.5 per cent and intake has decreased by 4.7 per cent, since 31 December 2020. The policy is available here: Following consultation on changes to the Army Trained Strength definition and the removal of the FR20 intake targets, the MOD released Future Reserves 2020 Trained Strength growth profiles in a Written Ministerial Statement on 8 November 2016. Personnel and career management are critical to a well-trained U.S. Army Reserve (USAR). FY 2021 targets include: regular Army, 485,900; Guard, 336,500; and Army Reserve, 189,800. Applications to the RAF Regular Forces in the 12 months to 31 December 2020 were 39,353, an increase of 23.0% compared to the 12 months to 31 December 2019 (31,992). Telephone: 020 7807 8896, If you require information which is not available within this or other available publications, you may wish to submit a Request for Information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to the Ministry of Defence. Job Title Male, 72.6% Female, 27.4% Militaries By Gender Gender Pay Gap For Military Women Earn 92 For Every $1 Earned By Men Male Income $50,405 Female Income $46,450 Military Gender Over Time Some of the statistics previously published in the following publications can now be found in this release: Responsible Statistician: Tri-Service Head of Branch, Further information/mailing list:, Background Quality Report: Background Quality Report. From the 1 October 2016 edition onwards, Army personnel who have completed Phase 1 training (basic Service training) but not Phase 2 training (trade training), are considered trained personnel. Key Takeaways. The FTTS (RN/RM & RAF) and FTTTS (Army) comprises: 132,390 Regular personnel (96.9 per cent), 3,400 Gurkhas (2.5 per cent), and 810 Full-time Reserve Service personnel (0.6 per cent) who are filling Regular posts and count against the Workforce Requirement. The United Kingdom Statistics Authority has designated these statistics as National Statistics, in accordance with the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 and signifying compliance with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics. If you have any comments or questions about this publication or about our statistics in general, you can contact us as follows: Responsible statistician: Analysis Tri-Service Intake and outflow statistics report how many people have left or joined the Trained or Untrained Strengths. Changes in technology, the introduction of new equipment and restructuring that leads to equipment becoming obsolete or surplus to requirements. These include quarterly statistics on the number of Service and Civilian Personnel, Separated Service (the proportion of personnel breaching harmony guidelines), Applications to each of the Services and Military Salaries. Figures relate to the number of applications received and not the number of applicants, as one applicant may submit several applications; the applicant declines an offer to join): NOTE: Application numbers cannot be added together across the Services to show total Armed Forces applications due to differences in definitions. The Maritime Reserve total strength as at 1 April 2021 was 4,080. Workforce Requirement is the number of Service personnel needed, based on the Defence Planning Round, set for each of the three Services. Table 4: Army Officers and Other Ranks by Training Status. Applications to the British Army Regular Forces in the 12 months to 31 December 2020 were 105,019, an increase of 5.1% compared to the 12 months to 31 December 2019 (99,888). Applications to the RAF Regular Forces in the 12 months to 30 September 2021 were 29,678, a decrease of 23.9 per cent compared to the 12 months to 30 September 2020 (39,013). You can subscribe to updates by emailing The MOD held a public consultation on SDSR Resilience: Trained strength definition for the Army and resultant changes to Ministry of Defence Armed Forces personnel statistics, between 11 July and 21 January 2017. In the first . On 29 June 2016, the MOD announced that the Army planned to use Regular and Reserve Phase 1 trained personnel in response to crises within the UK. How can the UK and U.S. armed forces remove barriers to inclusion and attract more diverse workforces? 1, Defining Attributes and Designing Rater Training, Removing Barriers to Diversity and Inclusion in the Military, Diversity Can Enhance Military Effectiveness, Russian Forces in Ukraine: Muddling Through, Forecasting End Strength in the U.S. Army Reserve: An Integrated Modeling Concept, Resources Required to Meet the U.S. Army Reserve's Enlisted Recruiting Requirements Under Alternative Recruiting Goals, Conditions, and Eligibility Policies, End-of-Pilot Assessment of the U.S. Army's Consolidated Recruiting Program, A Snapshot of the Department of the Air Force Total Force Recruiting Integration: Survey Results and Implications, Identifying Opportunities to Recruit More Individuals Above the Age of 21 into the U.S. Army, U.S.-Russia Diplomacy, Citizen Science, America's Blood Supply: RAND Weekly Recap, Establishing Feeder-Designation Relationships with Colleges and Universities to Increase Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Air Force Officer Accessions, Forecasting Religious Affiliation in the United States Army, Afghan Refugees Are Being Recruited to Join an Iranian Paramilitary, Improving the Goal-Setting Process for U.S. Department of the Air Force Recruiters, Youth Information Networks and Propensity to Serve in the Military. In Table 3d there has been revisions to Additional Workforce Requirement and Surplus/Deficit for Royal Air Force from 1 April 2013 to 1 January 2021. Further statistics can be found in the Excel tables. Designation can be broadly interpreted to mean that the statistics: Once statistics have been designated as National Statistics it is a statutory requirement that the Code of Practice shall continue to be observed. In the 12 months to 31 December 2021, 5,670 Trained (RN/RM & RAF) and Trade Trained (Army) personnel left through VO; the VO rate was 4.3 per cent. Gains to Trained Strength (GTS) figures comprise all Regular personnel who complete Phase 2 training and those that enter directly into the Phase 2 trained strength. You have accepted additional cookies. To fill the gap, the Army is offering. Count the number of Trained/Trade Trained UK Regular personnel breaching in the 36 months ending to 31 Mar 2020, Divide this by the Trained UK Regular strength as at 1 Apr 2020. Intake and Outflow statistics report how many people have left or joined the Trained or Untrained Strengths. KEY TAKEAWAYS The Army has had difficulty in growing the force even modestly because of recruiting challenges. VO Rate is the number of personnel voluntarily Outflowing as a proportion of the average Trained Strength for the Outflow period. Full-Time Trained Strength (RN/RM & RAF) and Full-Time Trade Trained Strength (Army) includes all UK Regular personnel, Gurkhas and the relevant elements of the Full-Time Reserve Service (FTRS) (see glossary for more detail). An assessment of current and future threats to UK national security. There are 10,560 untrained personnel in the UK Regular Forces (excluding Gurkhas), of which 4,510 are in the RN/RM, 2,620 in the Army and 3,420 are in the RAF. These applicants will then be withdrawn from the pipeline but the application number will still be counted in the overall volume of applications received. Trained Outflow figures show Phase 2 Trained Outflow from UK Regular Forces, including personnel leaving the Services, deaths and recalled reservists on release. Telephone: 030 6793 4531, Email: The RAF Reserve total strength as at 1 January 2022 was 3,280. /content/admin/rand-header/jcr:content/par/header/reports, /content/admin/rand-header/jcr:content/par/header/blogPosts, /content/admin/rand-header/jcr:content/par/header/multimedia, /content/admin/rand-header/jcr:content/par/header/caseStudies, How China Understands and Assesses Military Balance, Russian Military Operations in Ukraine in 2022 and the Year Ahead, Consequences of the War in Ukraine: A Bleak Outlook for Russia, RAND President and CEO Presenting to House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, RAND Experts Discuss the First Year of the Russia-Ukraine War, Helping Coastal Communities Plan for Climate Change, Measuring Wellbeing to Help Communities Thrive, Assessing and Articulating the Wider Benefits of Research, How the Pandemic Affected Military Recruitment and Retention, Army Enlistment Waivers in the Age of Legal Marijuana, Quantifying Potential Cost Avoidance Implications of Outcomes Reported in Behavioral and Social Science Research, Assessment and Selection for U.S. Air Force Special Warfare: Vol. There is a deficit of 4.2 per cent, 5.9 per cent and 6.2 per cent in the (RN/RM), the Army and the (RAF) respectively, as can be seen in Table 2 above. Over the same period, applications to the Volunteer Reserves have increased by 13.2%, from 28,471 in the 12 months to 31 December 2019 to 32,232 in the 12 months to 31 December 2020. This is a decrease of 360 (1.3 per cent) since 1 April 2020. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. The Service split for this figure can be found in Table 5 below. The analysis also covers changes in military personnel policies made during the COVID-19 pandemic. For successful applicants who accept an offer to join the Services, there is a substantial processing time between their application being received and the applicant joining the Services. Additionally, totals and sub-totals are rounded separately and so may not equal the sums of their rounded parts. Over the same period, applications to the Volunteer Reserves have decreased by 19.5 per cent, from 3,026 in the 12 months to 30 September 2020 to 2,436 in the 12 months to 30 September 2021. Since 1 April 2020, the total strength of the UK Regular Forces, Gurkhas and Other Personnel have all increased. A formal response, or responses, to the RF30 Review will follow the RF30 implementation programmes detailed analysis of the recommendations. This publication is available at 1 Understanding military personnel statistics 5 2 UK Armed Forces 8 3 UK Regular Forces: inflow and outflow 12 4 UK Regular Forces diversity 14 5 Reservists 18 6 Location of personnel 21 . Figure 14: Applications to the Army split by UK Regular Forces and Volunteer Reserves. Figure 5: GTS and Outflow from the UK Trained Regular Forces 12 month ending across the Armed Forces. Figures from 12 months ending 30 June 2019 onwards define an application as an online application submitted by an individual and accepted by Defence Recruitment System (DRS). This report summarizes and develops utility functions for a series of behavioral and social science studies to help senior leaders translate the research results into estimates of cost avoidance or other desired benefits. Additionally, totals and sub-totals are rounded separately and so may not equal the sums of their rounded parts. Therefore the figures presented here are not comparable with the figures up until 12 months ending 30 September 2017 presented in previous SPS publications. Every branch of the U.S. military is struggling to meet its fiscal year 2022 recruiting goals, say multiple U.S. military and defense officials, and numbers obtained by NBC News show both a. From 2001 to 2011, he directed the Manpower and Training Program in the RAND Army Research Division and was associate director from 1991 to 2000. A consultation response was published on 7 November 2016. All UK Regular personnel and all Gurkha personnel (which combined at 1 April 2021 comprised 77.1 per cent of UK Service Personnel). The Army Reserve total intake rate was 12.2 per cent; a decrease of 3.1 percentage points since the 12 months to 1 April 2020. She has led numerous studies on compensation design in the military and in the federal civil service, on the workforce implications of state and local pension reform, and on. The redundancy programme is now complete. These include quarterly statistics on the number of Service and Civilian Personnel, Separated Service (the proportion of personnel breaching harmony guidelines), Applications to each of the Services and Military Salaries. The increase in RAF applications since the introduction of DRS is due to the previous recruitment system having a separate frontend, this was used to assist the initial application processing team in filtering out RAF ineligible applications and non-productive enquiries prior to an official application being recorded. Voluntary Outflow (VO) encompasses all Trained (RN/RM & RAF) and Trade Trained (Army) personnel who voluntarily exit before the end of their agreed engagement or commission period. Telephone: 020 7807 8896, Email: This is a decrease of 750 (2.8 per cent) since 1 January 2021. In Table 3b there have been revisions to the number of Army Officers and Other Ranks of which Full Time Reserve Service House Commitment as at 1 April 2019 and 1 October 2019 due to an inputting error. Subscribe to the weekly Policy Currents newsletter to receive updates on the issues that matter most. Ministry of Defence, Main Building The total strength of the UK Forces has increased between 1 April 2020 and 1 April 2021 by 2.5 per cent (4,900 personnel), as shown in Table 1. Telephone: 023 9262 8738, Email: This does not affect the Naval Service or the RAF in any way. In order to meet the personnel reduction targets set out in SDSR 2010, the Three Month Exercise (3ME) and Army 2020 (A2020), a redundancy programme coupled with adjusted recruiting (intake) and contract extensions, were set. Following this, progress against FR20 population Trained Strength targets are reported in Table 6a of the Excel tables. In the 12 months to 31 March 2022 there was a was a negative net flow of personnel - intake was 13,350 while The Future Reserves 2020 (FR20) programme aims to increase the size of the Reserve Forces. only been higher than outflow in six years. Three recruits take their oath of enlistment at the Missing Man Formation to join the Air Force Reserve's 624th Regional . Not achieving the required recruiting test score for the desired branch/trade; Applicants withdraw for their own reasons (e.g. U.S. military size for 2019 was 1,388,000.00, a 0.59% increase from 2018. Applications will not result in intake if, for example, they are withdrawn by the applicant during the recruitment process, rejected by the Services, or if an offer to join the Services is declined by the applicant. Her areas of study include labor economics and defense manpower. London Future Reserves 2020 includes Volunteer Reserves who are mobilised, High Readiness Reserves and those Volunteer Reserves serving on Full-time Reserve Service (FTRS) and Additional Duties Commitment (ADC). The Army Reserve total outflow rate was 11.8 per cent; a decrease of 1.9 percentage points since the 12 months to 1 April 2020. Compared to the 12 months to 31 March 2020, Gains to Trained Strength for the, In comparison to the 12 months ending 31 March 2020, Trained outflow from the. Whilst application counts for each service are based on online applications submitted by an individual and accepted by Defence Recruitment System (DRS), work is ongoing to verify that application processes and definitions are consistent and we would recommend that numbers should not be aggregated to show Armed Forces totals (hence separate tables and graphs are provided). There has been a revision to the number of Army UK Regular Forces Gains to the Officers Trained strength from Other Ranks as at 1 October 2021 due to a processing error in table 5b. Detailed statistics, including unrounded figures, and historic time series can be found in the Excel tables. In Table 13, small revisions have also been made to April points in years 2012 and 2016-2020 of less than 5 to the amount of civilian personnel. As of late June, it had recruited only about 40 percent of the roughly 57,000 new soldiers it wants to put in boots by Sept. 30, the end of the fiscal year. A consultation response was published on 7 November 2016. This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. Across all Services, VO was the most common reason for outflow of Trained (RN/RM & RAF) and Trade-Trained (Army) personnel, accounting for 60.9 per cent of outflow in the 12 months to 31 March 2020 (See Figure 4). change of mind) during the process. The RAF Reserves total strength as at 1 April 2020 was 3,200. The Army conducted a pilot test of a program in which recruiters were authorized to recruit individuals into any of its three components. Trained and Trade trained direct entrants in the 12 months to 31 March 2021 was 850. Following the IR publication these workforce requirements are no longer extant. Applications may be refused if no Commonwealth headroom is available. Figures from 12 months ending 30 June 2019 onwards define an application as an online application submitted by an individual and accepted by Defence Recruitment System (DRS). Candidate, Pardee RAND Graduate School, Deputy Lead, RAND Space Enterprise Initiative; Assistant Policy Researcher; Ph.D. The Ministry of Defence (MOD) announced on 29 June 2016 that it was changing the Army trained, disciplined manpower by changing the definition of Trained Strength to include those in the Army who have completed Phase 1 training. Time Expiry is a term used to describe those in the Armed Services who reach the end of their engagement or commission and then leave. This is a decrease of 51.8 per cent from the 12 months to 31 December 2020. In order to meet the manpower reduction targets set out in SDSR 2010, the Three Month Exercise (3ME) and Army 2020, a redundancy programme coupled with adjusted recruiting (intake) and contract extensions, were set. Since 1 January 2021, the total strength of the UK Regular Forces, Gurkhas and Other Personnel have all increased, however the strength of the Volunteer Reserves has decreased. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. We await the outcome of the Integrated Review and Spending Review to determine if there will be any new targets for Full-time AF personnel which would be included in future publications. the applicant declines an offer to join): NOTE: Application numbers cannot be added together across the Services to show total Armed Forces applications due to differences in definitions. The redundancy programme is now complete. This has increased by 20.5 per cent when compared against this periods equivalent a year ago (9,660). programs offered at an independent public policy research organizationthe RAND Corporation. As a result of the changes to Army Trained Strength (referred to above) and their impact on the Army Reserve, the MOD released a Written Ministerial Statement containing revised Future Reserves 2020 (FR20) strength growth profiles on 8 November 2016. The FTTS (RN/RM), FTTTS (Army) increased by 2.0 per cent, 1.4 per cent and the FTTS (RAF) has remained stable as shown in Table 2. Check benefits and financial support you can get, Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, Quarterly Service Personnel Statistics: 2022, Full-Time Trained Strength (RN/RM & RAF) and Full-Time Trade Trained Strength (Army), Full-Time Trained and Trade Trained Strength (Army), Future Reserves 2020 (FR20) Programme Monitoring,, 2015 Strategic Defence and Security Review,,, are well explained and readily accessible, are managed impartially and objectively in the public interest. The main causes of applicant failure (i.e. Three commonly used recruitment ratios include: Selection ratio. As can be seen from Figure 2 above, Army trained strength (FTTS) and Army trade trained strength (FTTTS) has been increasing since April 2020. Copyright holders concerned Forces and Volunteer Reserves areas of study include labor economics defense. The sums of their Service ( i.e, progress against FR20 population Trained strength include. Has decreased compared to the Army split by UK Regular Forces, and. Will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned this is in to... Split by UK Regular personnel and career management are critical to a feedback form is nonprofit, nonpartisan and! Will need to obtain permission from the UK Trained Regular Forces and Volunteer Reserves Reserve personnel as 1. Is a decrease of 360 ( 1.3 per cent of UK Service personnel comprise the total strength the... Trained Regular Forces, Gurkhas and Other personnel have all increased of new equipment and restructuring that leads equipment. 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