I mumble, " Of Mice and Men ". My daddy shot my mom, Sawyer says, and I bite my tongue. Hes concerned, genuinely, and I can see LaFleur in him. The balance had been thrown, and all that the island protected the world from was breaking loose. Sawyer proceeds to beat Gwen again, punching her so hard she gets knocked down to the ground and dislocates and nearly breaks her arm, only stopping due to learning that she has a photo shoot in three hours. Romanced my momma to get to the money, wiped them out clean, left a mess behind. If I've missed some, please feel free to add a link (please include a rating.) Sawyer! I call, feeling indignant. I intercept him once ahain, but at a cost. He was a confidence man. Hey, Jack, theres something you should know if the tables were turned, and it wasnt blue eyes, Id watch you die.. Ultimately, Sawyer is killed by Hillary by being shot, who then later dies of her injuries. *. Unfortunately for us both, youre wrong, Sayid replies as he slowly begins to move behind Sawyer. This girl might be the death of him. Listen, I begin, looking away from Jack nervously and to the fuselage, Youre going to have to make a choice tonight that youre not going to want to make. Sawyer I really wish youd shut up, I say weakly, but everything looks blurry. Sawyer holds her at arms length, regarding her for a moment. A note? Sawyer scoffs, More like a symphony!. Ok, here comes chapter 5! I cant stand it. Length 44 chapters, 112870 words. I dont get it, Amelia pants, lowering herself onto the nearest log she can find. My heart jolts at this action but I quickly put it down in fear. I let out a cry in pain as well just hearing him. Hes just looking out for me, he probably thinks of me like a daughter. They deserve that. About halfway through the movie, my mom sniffs the air weirdly. Suddenly he gets up to leave, but I grab his arm. I want to ask if hes going to the memorial, but he speaks up first. I cant stand it anymore. I cant sleep. I cant stand it anymore, so I try to tug away from Sawyer. Trudging back to the beach I notice Sawyer gathering up some things. Youre gonna have to be more specific there, blue eyes. Pairing: Jack Shephard/Kate Austen. Sawyer, Im giving you the chance to do the right thing. You sure you want to make this your problem, Doc?. Complete, Action/adventure, Characters: Hugo, Ben, Richard, Walt, original characters. Sayid! Jack calls, and Sayid stops. I walk faster down the beach. Here you will find my LOST stories I'm currently working on: Taken care of. Sawyer sits and starts to read his letter, and I can almost feel the air turn sour. Uh Amelia- Its not what it looks like, Boone says, panic clear in his voice. Our food problem is solved, finally. Do you or do you not know whats going on, whats going to happen?. No! I follow not far behind Sawyer. What? Shannon cuts in. Why am I still alive? I feel something hit the back of my head and spots dance over my vision. Then Jack pulls a little flashlight out of his pocket and goes toward the plane. Sawyer doesnt say anything and I whimper. I swallow and begin to tell him my past. Youre gonna have to be more specific there, blue eyes. When a redeemed Hillary frees Gwens family, Sawyer stabs her and demands to bring Gwen to him and later, when Trent tries to come near him, he shoots his hand and proceeds to use him as a meat shield and tries to taunt Gwen into shooting him. With tears in her eyes, Amelia says, You give out pieces of yourself to people but never let them see the whole picture. Never mind what I want.. The romance-oriented sequels tend to lean more towards fantasy. Sayid you can be serious! I loud-whisper to him, pressing a hand to his chest to stop him. Later on, Sawyer then punches Gwen, beating her over and over again, causing her to bleed. But when it comes to . Ive seen it. Wollstein, Harold, seat 23C, Claires voice cuts in again. You were just a kid, 8 maybe 9 years old.. No no, Im okay. I shudder again and he tugs me closer, and my stomach sinks with guilt. This letter wasnt written to you. I decide not to go boar hunting. You had sex with my mother and then you stole my dads money all away. I collapse into the tree and begin to sob. I cry out when he grabs my wrists roughly and slides the bamboo into them. I can hear my heartbeat and the rushing of blood to my ears just before I pass out completely. Title . I just got tortured by a damn spinal surgeon and a gen-u-ine I-raqi, Sawyer pauses and looks over to me, Of course, Im serious. Once Amelia was finally able to open the bottle and take a drink did he speak, Maybe youre just meant to live, to do something else no one else can do.. Dont you feel sorry for me, Sawyer grabs the letter from her, Get the hell out. Meanwhile the group returns to the present from 1977 and Juliet deals with the aftermath of Sawyer leaving her behind. 29 chapters, 67,638 words, Complete, Action/adventure. Itll probably be worse, He replies but Amelia shakers her head and looks off into the ocean. So, um, wheres Mr. Locke? Walt asks and I remember his showdown with Smokey in the jungle. I look around for Jack and spot him sitting on the beach. I wait until Sawyer trails off into the jungle before I go hunting for a book. Just give it back when youre done, He says and I snap my head up. Suddenly somebody knocks Charlie down and I turn my head to see Jack helping Charlie. Maybe I provoked him too much. Do I hear a note of sarcasm in that statement? Amelia laughs, looking in Kates direction as she huffs away from Sawyers latest crack at her. Im going to kill him, I can hear Jack say as I run up to the both of them. Then it hits me, Confidence Man. I watch curiously as he stomps over, grabs me by the arm, and pulls me towards his tent. When he recovered, he shot back, More than you apparently. And it was Amelias turn to stand shocked. jaty. This girl might be the death of him. My name is Amelia Kassman, and I am not exactly supposed to be on this flight. Nope, I helped the Doc with the injured. I say with a small smile. Do me a favor, Sawyer spat, shooting daggers at Amelia, when you leave today, go straight to Hell.. I was beginning to wonder if he was going to freeze me out. Oh fuck. Thats all we have on Harold, his name on a boarding pass I just wish there was something more Goodbye, Harold, Claire says as her voice gets quieter as I walk away. I scan the beach, looking for Sawyer. I feel myself stumble back, W-What? I choke out, I wasnt expecting that answer. But the show still garnered both interest and money from fans. fanfic writer, trying to instill the love of lost in more people, I want Sawyer stopped. Yet she didnt forget his words. For better or for worse, Amelia says proudly to Jack. There aren't a lot of LOST fanfiction sequels out there, but here are some. Sawyer is all wishy washy with Amelia in this episode, but it turns out for good in the end :) Enjoy! Oh my god. And why didnt you stop?. Youre lucky to be alive, Kate says to me in amazement. Everyone returns to their spots and I can see them glancing at me. He shakes his head and walks away. Amelia? Jack asks but Sawyer shakes his head and realization washes over Jack, Kate?. Youre afraid of your dreams? Sawyer asks, a small ocean breeze fluttering open the tent flaps of Amelias tent. Ive been obsessed with Lost ever since I saw it on TV that ill-fated day so many years ago. T-rated. We walk to where they are setting up things to burn the fuselage with and he drops my hand at the sight of Kate eying us. James I begin softly but he shakes his head. LOST fanfic generally explores characters, relationships, storylines, and themes from the show, that are not explored in canon. He sits in the sand next to me, not speaking and just staring out at the ocean with me. I can watch Micheal as he talks to Sun about watching Walt. Cmon blue eyes, lets go, he says and stands up. Youre manipulating right now, Amelias smile never falters as she speaks. Greninja missed his trainer but then, another trainer comes into his life to fill that void. Kate and Sawyer must deal with the new pregnancy obstacles. Set during the events of "The Incident" at the Swan worksite. Keep Gwen in his clutches forever.Kill Trent (all failed), Abuse (including domestic, physical and psychological)AssaultKidnappingMutilationDrug traffickingHostage-takingTorture (implied). *This is AU. Yes, she says quietly, her hair lifted off her face by the breeze. How many times do I have to tell you? That piece of paper the one you keep in your pocket, I begin, I know the expression on your face when you read it and I know how carefully you fold it up. A/N: Hello! :: COMPLETE! You wrote this letter. Suddenly I hear Vincent barking and Michael shushing Walt to keep the dog quiet. We both settle down next to one another on the airline seats outside of Sawyers tent. Some films and TV shows have such a finality to them that there isn't any interest in continuing. Once Amelia was finally able to open the bottle and take a drink did he speak, Maybe youre just meant to live, to do something else no one else can do.. What do you know about it? Amelia shouted and it echoed around the jungle. "Right behind you, Jackass," Sawyer says next to me. Damn right you were wrong, I choke out and lean my head against the trunk of the tree. I look down, unable to meet Sawyer's eyes. Characters: Hugo, Ben, Jack, Kate, Claire, Walt, Summary: "Once upon a time, there was a magical island. For better or for worse, Amelia says proudly to Jack. While Im not a child, I am much younger than the rest of the survivors, I just hope they take me seriously. Self-recs are fine. By the time darkness falls over the Island, Sawyer has already abandoned his first book in favor of a much thinner one. After all thats happened to me?, Sawyer regarded her carefully, helping her pull out a water bottle from her pack. Hey! Birds flew away from the volume of her voice. Jack? Kate calls to him, but Jack doesnt answer or look back. Stop what, Chico? Sawyer asks and I look over to see Sayid making bamboo spikes. Give me the medication.. Well, its about time, cowboy. Ill wait for you there, Amelia shot back, anger and malice lacing her voice to hide the shattering of her heart. At first appearing as a nice man, giving Gwen gifts such as laptops, this turns out to be nothing more than a horrible lie. I want to act like I dont know what will happen. Youre gonna have to be more specific there, blue eyes. I drop my hands to my sides and pull my knees up as someone bursts into my tent. Please let me know if youd like to be tagged in updates! How could I not? Everyone in theres dead, Sayid reminds. Sawyer is the first to get up and come over, and Kate follows after him. Welcome to the start of a new LOST fanfiction. How many times do I have to tell you? Title: Lost: Season 7 by MrLockeIsAWarrior. Do you know blue eyes? You know what I think, Ali. To be honest I dont really want to be in the center of attention group, but I want to be important enough to not get killed by some freak accident, or fire arrows. Rushing forward I try to warn people about the large plane wing about to fall. Everything else is just speculation. I sigh and put my book aside before popping my head out of the tent. Waking up I find Sawyer is gone, I sigh quietly, I knew he wouldnt stay. You dont know nothin about me, Sawyer replies with a huff. ! Mom calls me from downstairs. I havent lived in LA all my life and the rain is a welcome change to the climate Im used to. I crawl out of my tent and blink in the bright light of the sun. I have a lot of skeletons in my closet, Sawyer replied with a chuckle. Claires voice seeps into my thoughts. Hey neighbor! I say cheerfully, my stomach erupting in butterflies as he turns to look at me. I cry out again when Sawyers fists connects with Boones nose. I realize this leaves me with not a lot to do, except watch. I scramble to my feet to try and get Sawyer off Boone, but he pushes me away and I fall in the sand. I keep my mouth in a tight line to avoid from making any pathetic sounds. Im up thinking. I glance at her, but dont pay much attention, she is always smelling weird things around the house. I lean up against the tree hes under and wait a beat. When why are you laughing? Sawyer replies, a smirk playing on his lips as he surveys Amelia. Hows that for a tragedy? Shannon scrutinizes me and drags Boone away, to the caves. Perhaps a more indirect method will loosen your tongue? Sayid asks and I know whats coming. Sawyer stood there in shock for a moment. I can feel his eyes on me for a long time. I know what you become! . And a mans got a right to protect his property.. *This is AU. Pilot (Part 1) My eyes snap open and I breathe in sharply. This is my life on the line and not his, Tell him to let go, Freckles. The Island doesnt want me, no one wants me. All hope seemed to be lost. She doesnt look at me, shes staring down at the sand with a hard expression. Shut up, Jack says to Sawyer, And stop moving, he says to me. Thats what I felt when I first woke up, upside down. Coming mom! I call back, finishing getting dressed and tying the front of my shorts. Youre just getting to the good part, Sawyer cuts in sarcasally. Oh god, were goin to die, arent we? Sawyer groaned playfully, knowing whatever Amelia had planned was going to play into the future. He starts bleeding and rushes at Sawyer again, but Sawyer catches him and punches his face. I felt they tied it a little too loose, and I try to maneuver my fingers to get myself untied. Alright fine, your choice, Sawyer retorts, I wanted to know if you knew this was gonna happen! Hell, I wondered when you were going to stop asking nice, Sawyer drawls as he makes to stand. I can watch Sun and Walt talk about plants. Updated . God I just want to sleep. Yet she didnt forget his words. I think my sinuses are clearing? Sawyer pants, egging him on. Fuck. Notes: Script format. You absolutely do not, Sawyer shoots back and pulls Amelia into a tight side hug, sighing to himself. The medicine. Lucky me I guess. Beautifully broken, ripped to shreds, or whole, he loves her. The jungle was sweltering hot for sunset, and her clothes were sticking to the cuts and gashes on her skin. But the closer he gets to finding his way back, new truths come to light that challenge everything he knows and throw his future into question. Sawyer replies, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. They had both been reading a book silently when Sawyer decided to speak up. Yours? Jack says with a small laugh, What makes it yours? At first appearing as a nice man, giving Gwen gifts such as laptops, this turns out to be nothing more than a horrible lie. Its okay. Jack, I- I stop myself, I dont have an explanation. I hope you like and review this, too. I dont get it, Amelia pants, lowering herself onto the nearest log she can find. He did this to himself, Sayid replies, pushing right past me to poise the big metal pipe over Sawyers head. Jack stops and looks around, noticing that everyone is watching him. We finally climb inside the plane, looking around dumbly to try and see whats inside. Proudly to Jack were just a kid, 8 maybe 9 years old.. no no, Im you! 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