How do we know what is masculine and what is feminine? . Unfortunately, there is no magic formula to know whether a noun is masculine or feminine. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. If country name ends in (-en): Add (ne) to end. The gender of carotte is feminine. Its a great resource for people interested in learning languages online. Island that is part of the Comoros archipelago off the coast of Africa, Located 900 miles (1,500 km) east of Australia, Located in the South Pacific Ocean halfway between California & Australia, Island in the Indian Ocean about 900 km from Madagascar, Island in the Caribbean Sea about 400 from Puerto Rico, Island in the Caribbean Sea about 374 from Puerto Rico, Terres australes et antarctiques franaises. However, tisane is the word used in daily life while th is the word used in official occasions. Although, thats not how languages work. la rave - rave party (but not rave meaning "turnip," which is pronounced differently), le secrtaire - male secretary, writing desk, secretary. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. is a lie. For example: The word cheval (horse) is masculine, whereas jument (mare) is feminine, because they both reflect the gender of the animal. The only thing I remember (and I may not remember it correctly) is Je suis formidable. (I am great). For example, grammatically in French, Spanish, Italian - money is considered masculine. Thanks for commenting. In actual fact, English is the odd man out when it comes to gender, as nouns in most languages are either masculine or feminine. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Instead of learning table, you learn la table. Feel free to come back anytime for more tips. You will have to memorize them. Easy answer : when you are learning French vocabulary, you learn nouns with the gender. [the tourism]|Nouns with the ending isme are masculine in French. A robe is a loose-fitting outer garment. without ad revenue we can't exist. Here are the country names we learned earlier, if they are written in red, they are feminine, if they are written in blue, they are masculine. Is director in french masculine or feminine? The first recorded use of the word tea was in 15th century England. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Maybe they like to make you stress, maybe they like to feel superior on the sole basis of their mastery of grammar, or maybe they cannot handle things that arent perfect. 1 Which countries in French are feminine? I took one semester of French in college. (amricain, amricaine), (mexicain, mexicaine), (cubain, cubaine), etc. In reality, its the contraction of the articles, when they precede a noun starting with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u). Rules to Remember About Country Names And Nationalities In French. What do you think? Note : Including possessive adjectives, which I talk about in this article (coming soon!). It doesnt matter if the nouns are masculine or feminine. Good. 714 km from Puerto Rico. For example, un bureau (desk) is masculine and une chaise (chair) is feminine. Are You Quiet Quitting Your Own Business? Makes sense? "Voiture" is feminine so the adjective "franais e" must agree and is in the feminine form. You also learned that several words are always or generally masculine/feminine depending on specific circumstances. Names of trees: chne (oak tree), olivier (olive tree), pommier (apple tree), Names of metals: or (gold), acier (steel), fer (iron), Names of metric units: mtre (a meter), kilo (a kilo), centimtre (centimeter), Names of colors: le rouge (red), le vert (green), le bleu (blue), Names of languages: le chinois (chinese), lallemand (german), le franais (French), Nouns of English origin: tennis (tennis), parking (parking lot), football (soccer). Fascinating facts about Latin based languages, From Paris to Provence: Weather in France in June by Region (avg climate & temp), 11 ways to say cheers In French +1 drinking song & toast etiquette in France, Le Blog: My French cabinet of curiosities. A French film. Question. Wow! So, dont worry. Names of automobiles: une Renault (a Renault), une Porsche (a Porsche), une Fiat (a Fiat). Rules always come after. Is the word family masculine or feminine in French? This button displays the currently selected search type. link to Does Making Tea In a Keurig Work? How do you calculate working capital for a construction company? You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. In the two phrases above, "franais(e)" is used as an adjective, so it's NOT capitalized. I get what you mean. English has only two indefinite articles: a and an. Another is to try to assign an actual gender to an object. We use them to refer to a portion or unspecified amount of foods, drinks, or other uncountable nouns. Its interesting to learn how languages differ, isnt it? Learn words with quizzes and games. However, its all part of the process. On the other hand, French has three: un, une, and des. Hope you understand what Im asking and that you can help! When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. Modern English is much simpler and does not distinguish between them. Is salad masculine or feminine in German? Lets start with definite articles. But there are far too many words that end in "e" that turn out to be masculine, making this approach difficult to use with any degree of accuracy. It actually surprised me that they have a gender for letters. Is Florida masculine or feminine? cuisine. We use le for masculine singular nouns. Some words also have a feminine version. Hati. In French, there is more than one definite article to choose from. For instance, if you wanted say that you have blue eyes (eyes = yeux - masculine plural) then you'd have to select the matching masculine plural form of the color blue ( bleus ). \"https://sb\" : \"http://b\") + \"\";el.parentNode.insertBefore(s, el);})();\r\n","enabled":true},{"pages":["all"],"location":"footer","script":"\r\n
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We have to determine the gender of a word so we know which one to use. 1 noun = 1 gender. If she wants to serve her child a glass of tisane, she will call for a glass of water or ask her husband to make a pot of tea; if she wants her child to drink some th, she will simply call for the teapot and pour herself a cup. This list has over 100 country names in French and English and their corresponding nationalities in French. This is to indicate a noun is masculine/feminine and singular/plural. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. This applies to both masculine and feminine nouns. 3 main islands a number of tiny islets located 280 km northeast of Fiji. In French, all nouns have a genderthey are either masculine or feminine. This distinction also comes into play when women are taking care of the children and need something to drink that wont disturb them. Words are either feminine and masculine in French, thats all. Why are fried eggs in France always Sunny Side up? The following countries are masculine even though they end in -e: For cities, gender is no big deal since there are still some controversies among scholars. I'm Annie Andr, a bilingual North American with Thai and French Canadian roots. Lets find out 10 ways to say yes in French. Thats the case of most words that define people. The word you use for a or the depends on whether it's with a masculine or feminine noun. If you memorize some simple rules and know a few exceptions to the rules, you'll never forget a country's gender in French again. Examples: les chiens (the dogs), les arbres (the trees), les mots (the words), etc. We're glad this was helpful. Salut! In English, the only definite article is "the". If you are a native speaker of the many languages that do have grammatical gender (like Spanish, Portuguese, hell even Romanian), then good! (accessed March 2, 2023). For example. Even if you are a female professor, for example, you would have to say that you are un professeur, which takes the masculine form, including the masculine article, un . Or if you know all the rules, you can just skip to the list by scrolling down. The English equivalent is some. Is Africa masculine or feminine in French? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. In French, the article you choose depends on the gender of the noun. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". And some words are the tricksters of the bunch, taking on different meanings with different genders, like livre, which is a book when masculine but a pound when feminine! These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. We use it for plural nouns, whether theyre masculine or feminine. I've also included the names of French territories and the names of the continents in French and English. Saying "une bureau" or "un chaise" is incorrect, but still understandable. Even for Spanish speakers and other speakers whose languages have genders, we sometimes make mistakes when telling genders apart. that was about 30 years ago. Dummies helps everyone be more knowledgeable and confident in applying what they know. Common-nouns (as opposed to proper nouns) are generally inanimate objects, or animated ones, concepts or animals. This button displays the currently selected search type. Language, words already existed, before rules. Examples: un portable (a cell phone), un garon (a boy), un plat (a dish), etc. Feel free to come back anytime for more French resources. Some aremasculine and some are feminine. A Travel Live Abroad Lifestyle Blog With A French Twist. Is there a free way to lookup a phone number? Vegetables French vocabulary list. Finally, we have les. We use de l for both masculine and feminine singular nouns. For the most part, nouns included in the following categories are masculine:\r\n
    \r\n \t
  • \r\n

    Names of trees: chne (oak tree), olivier (olive tree), pommier (apple tree)

  • \r\n \t
  • \r\n

    Names of metals: or (gold), acier (steel), fer (iron)

  • \r\n \t
  • \r\n

    Names of metric units: mtre (a meter), kilo (a kilo), centimtre (centimeter)

  • \r\n \t
  • \r\n

    Names of colors: le rouge (red), le vert (green), le bleu (blue)

  • \r\n \t
  • \r\n

    Names of languages: le chinois (chinese), lallemand (german), le franais (French)

  • \r\n \t
  • \r\n

    Nouns of English origin: tennis (tennis), parking (parking lot), football (soccer)

  • \r\n
\r\nThe articles (le and l) are in front of colors and languages above, because without them, the French words would be adjectives instead of nouns.\r\n

How to identify feminine French nouns

\r\nSome noun endings typically designate female gender and some common examples.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
Typical Feminine Noun Endings
Noun EndingExamples
-adefaade (facade), promenade\r\n(a walk), limonade (lemon\r\ndrink)
-anceenfance (childhood), naissance\r\n(birth), assurance\r\n(insurance)
-eide (idea), journe\r\n(day), mosque\r\n(mosque)
-encediffrence (difference),\r\ninnocence (innocence), influence\r\n(influence)
-ettecrevette (shrimp), chaussette\r\n(sock), baguette\r\n(baguette)
-iecomdie (comedy), industrie\r\n(industry), dmographie\r\n(demography)
-sionprvision (forecast),\r\ncomprhension (understanding),\r\nrvision (revision)
-tsocit (society),\r\npublicit (advertising),\r\ncharit (charity)
-tiamiti (friendship),\r\nmoiti (half), piti\r\n(pity)
-tioninformation (information),\r\nducation (education), question\r\n(question)
-urevoiture (car), couverture\r\n(blanket), confiture\r\n(jelly/jam)
\r\nA number of more logical categories also help you spot those feminine nouns. [the kitchen]|Nouns with the ending ine are feminine in French. In short, it has an impact on other words in a sentence. Dont worry, though. For example, un bureau (desk) is masculine and une chaise (chair) is feminine. But as a French native, and a French teacher I can tell you. Une mission f ranais e. (m) Venezuela, for example, (the small Venice) was introduced as a country name in the nineteenth century, therefore masculinized. On the website, you can hoover on the abbreviation to know what it means. Here is an example: When a French noun describes a live being, its gender ( masculine or feminine) often reflects the gender of the being in question. When I'm not eating cheese, drinking wine or hanging out with my husband and children, I write articles on my personal blog for intellectually curious people interested in all things France: Life in France, travel to France, French culture, French language, travel and more. Knowing the difference between them will dictate what words you have to use, particularly when it comes to determiners (e.g. When you are a member of the club, you can send me questions about why and grammar, and Ill do my best to answer! A table is not a woman, a horse is not a man. To make sure all the words of a sentence are singing the same tune. How many French speaking countries are there in North Africa? Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. ThoughtCo. Spoiler: Grammar purists and I dont get along. Its like adding an -s at the third person of the singular in the present simple in English. ThoughtCo, Dec. 6, 2021, La voiture est rouge. Copy The gender of the French word montre is feminine. 7 French Learning Books The Old-School Way. Id like to retake it. How can smoking affect your emotional health and wellbeing? So any rule that you heard, especially rules about grammatical gender, are rules that have been deduced from the way French people were already using gender. How many times should a shock absorber bounce? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. So, is the word tea feminine or masculine in the French language? I have not included every single world country and nationality but there are roughly 100. . We will talk about this in further detail in a later post. Is Restaurant masculine or feminine in French? l'asperge asparagus la betterave beet le poivron bell pepper le broccoli . One situation that this creates is when people are discussing their tea habits. However, some job titles only use the masculine form for both men and women. A man is masculine, and to talk about him, you'd use masculine pronouns such as "him", "he", "his". French Nouns With Two Genders. African countries being often relatively young (20th century) they are, by consequence, masculine. By following these shortcuts, you will be able to determine the gender of a noun correctly in most cases. Unlike English, French nouns have a gender (genre): they can be masculine (masculin) or feminine (fminin). I dont understand why one object is feminine while another is masculine. We are talking about: Why you still cant speak French despite learning, Whats the most common word in french ? However, there are some appliances that are specifically designed to make tea. Not too much help lol. Here's a basic list of the colors in both genders for you: Masculine: blanc (white), noir (black), rose (pink), rouge (red), bleu, orange, jaune (yellow), gris (grey/gray), marron (brown), vert (green), violet (purple). The rest are masculine. The gender of the person in the first phrase is masculine "un" so the nationality must agree and also be masculine "Anglais". Which article should you use? Its essential to understand the difference between masculine and feminine in French. What is a romance language? Well, in most cases, we can know the gender of a word by its ending. For example, man is un Homme (masculine), and girl is one fille (feminine). For the most part, nouns included in the following categories are feminine:\r\n
    \r\n \t
  • \r\n

    Names of sciences and school subjects: For example, chimie (chemistry), histoire (history), and mdecine (medical sciences). Une boulangre : a baker (female baker, and feminine noun), Un agriculteur : a farmer (masculine noun), Une agricultrice : a farmer (female farmer and feminine noun), Generally, only the words ending change. So le th is actually the collective name for all kinds of teas that arent made from Camellia sinensis. Many words that are always capitalized in English cannot be capitalized in French or are only sometimes capitalized, such as nationalities. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. When you go to France and ask for une tisane youre asking for a kind of tea thats not particularly strong or rich in flavor. ", EXCETION TO CAPITALIZING SOMEONES NATIONALITY IN FRENCH. I may have to study your site a bit longer! So if one is feminine, then the other need to be too. There is only one noun in this sentence. NO, grammatical gender in French is NOT crucial. Words that end in -age, as in message and mirage, and -eau, like manteau (coat) and chapeau (hat), are usually masculine. En Afrique du Nord, il y a trois pays francophones, LAlgrie, le Maroc et la Tunisie. What would be the proper genders for the nouns? I like these rules. I have to say that French is another hard language, not only the grammar but also the pronunciation especially for me. More of that later. Examples: English has only two indefinite articles: a and an. Q: Is tomato masculine . to be in the money (informal) (= have plenty of money) se faire beaucoup d'argent to have money to burn avoir de l'argent perdre ucla environmental science graduate program; four elements to the doctrinal space superiority construct; woburn police scanner live. Genre ): they can be masculine ( masculin ) or feminine Homme ( masculine ), les arbres the. 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    Mark O'connor First Wife, Why Do Umpires Still Call Balls And Strikes, Articles I