Explore displays Retail solution Hover cursor across to wiggle! It is a program that uses DXGI (or NvFBC if you're on Quadros or better on Nvidia) to directly capture what is displayed on a video card in a windows virtual machine and then display that on a QEMU/KVM Linux Host in near real-time. I first read about Project Looking Glass in a book by exopolitics author Dr. Michael Salla titled Kennedys Last Stand. D:Thats what the history of the J-Rods actually reads. One of the most well-known examples of Remote viewing was to view the rings of Jupiter prior to NASAs Pioneer 10 flyby. By Looking Glass Factory April 14th, 2022. It would be hidden from the United States within Area 51. They shall say, what is your plan for this giant and he will take a simple stone, remember the name and he will hold it up and they will laugh at him. The first public reference to a "Project Looking Glass" came from the legendary UFO whistleblower Bob Lazar back when he first emerged into the public realm in 1989 when he identified it as one of the classified projects run out of the S-4 facility at Area 51. Ken Clement April 4, 2008 And they shall say, but now there is a second President, how can we have two presidents? An unusual thing, isnt it, says the Spirit of the Lord? Before a ranch fence, turn right and follow the 'road' to the base of Looking Glass. I really dont know since my information sources would only tell me so much about what they saw or experienced at the time they were involved. In other words, there is actual Newtonian superimposing. Operation Looking Glass was one such deterrent that was designed to keep Russian nuclear weapons firmly in their cradles. The Kolbrin Bible: 21st Century Master Edition, Win-Win Survival Handbook: All-Hazards Safety and Future Space Colonization, Radio Free Earth: The Complete Beginners Guide to Survival Communications, Surviving the Planet X Tribulation: There Is Strength in Numbers, Being In It for the Species: The Universe Speaks. Filmmaker & researcher Frank Jacob joins us for an INSPIRED conversation . So I am certain that any errors that were made or any miscalculations have long since been corrected. Well, we hadLooking Glass technology, and portal, actualstargate technology, in Iraq, as late as the start of 2003. He was a P-52, but that just means that he was 7,000 years along the T2 timeline from when the P-45s. The data output of the device (images and in some cases sounds) were then captured via high resolution audio-video capture devices. DO NOT REMOVE MY COMMENT PLEASE! And that is a frightening thing to me. The Actual Breadcrumbs. This network of specially equipped EC-135 aircraft would launch from ground alert status and establish air-to-air wireless network connections in the event of a U.S. national emergency. Since that time, I have seen a huge number of subtle disclosures within movies, tv and even video games using similar Thanks again for the correction. In an interview Lazar (L) replied to a question about the project as follows: More specifically, this program dealt with the physics of seeing the effects of an artificially produced gravity wave on time. Leicester, England: Midland Publishing Limited, p. 116], [Hopkins III, Robert S. 1997. Leicester, England: Midland Publishing Limited, p. 114-117, 196], [Hopkins III, Robert S. 1997. Briefly, the universe as described by Larson is broken up into two physical regions, as defined by motion. In 1989 he worked on a secret project and also on the so-called Sharp Storm. This device is also known as Looking GlassAnd was used to see the probabilities of future events. International Bankers. K:Exactly. These books likely fall within the scope of Project Looking Glass, as discussed in this text. They get the Earth to themselves. At this time only Windows 10 is supported with any video card supporting DXGI Desktop Duplication or the NVIDIA Capture API (NB: NvFBC requires a professional card such as Quadro). Project "Looking Glass", the plans of the Secret Government on time machines and Stargate devices Published 24th April 2020 Dr. Dan Burisch has a PhD in microbiology and is a former employee of the United States secret military forces. We dont know. Its been there. Extraterrestrial intelligence is close: what kind of civilization is watching us from the moon? An an ascension event in which every human being suddenly becomes aware of everyone elses thoughts lies and crimes become impossible and the Deep State is utterly destroyed, replaced with universal peace and prosperity. Project Looking Glass Must See video - October 24, 2021. K:But if it doesnt occur, theres still the element in which we have been visited by, by a timeline which really does exist in a sense , K:and how do you unmake something which has been made? These cookies do not store any personal information. The numbers that we received beforeLooking Glasswas shut down, disbanded, was that there would be a 19% probability with an 85% confidence, that the disaster would occur, that there would bea transition from Timeline 1 to Timeline 2. But its our use of technology which provokes the catastrophe. It would give them an incredible advantage in the alleged behind the scenes battle going on all over the world as, like Nicolas Cages character in Next, they could foresee likely future outcomes and, with foreknowledge, decide how to avoid bad outcomes. Project Looking Glass: NYC 4/18 False Flag, Trump, Q, and Devolution. Looking Glass is programmed in the Java language using the Java 3D system to remain platform independent. But in 1994 he was taken to an underground place called Century IV which is part of the Area 51, where he started working on the Project Aquarium. I do see links between the end of the Mayan Long Count Calendar on December 21, 2012 and a possible end of the world scenario involving a POLE SHIFT un poco mas (a little later) once I thought it would have been exactly seven years later in December 2019. Listen with an open mind, BE in Love for our approaching truth, and then BE in . That will be a good thing. The overall umbrella designation for the study of anything having to do with Extraterrestrial Biological Entities, and their interaction with humans on earth was known as Project Aquarius. I have heard rumors for years that this concept only allowed viewing the future up to December 21, 2012 and that after that, there were only two alternatives. The history reads that the natural passage of us through this energetic space is a good thing. Some would argue that even if ancient clues would have led to an understanding of timing such events that we cant anymore because we have looked through time and made changes. Look. This network of specially equipped EC-135 aircraft would launch from ground alert status and establish air-to-air wireless network connections in the event of a U.S. national emergency. Show some integrity & honesty. I mean, if they want it to happen, they Their objective would be to steal these cylinders and get them. That information from the Looking Glass was supported by the direct testimony of both the J-Rods and Orion beings, according to their written and oral histories. The Orion ET races have given President Eisenhower a cube about eight centimeters wide by another eight centimeters long, capable of predicting the future. By Jay Koester April 23, 2020. https://jordansather.tv/ Just this one incorrect item calls your whole website into question.. FYI. But they still had their souls even though it was repressed.K:SoD:In like manner, the P-45s have a soul. Project Convergence, scheduled for the fall, is a series of . The original technology was derived from cylinder seals that slightly predate Sumerian time frame. Project Looking Glass | The Orion Lines LINES Freedom or Death Welcome To The Orion Lines "A robin redbreast in a cage puts all of Heaven in a rage." William Blake Advancement of Humanity The crimes against humanity Project Looking Glass Area 51 S4-2 Project Looking Glass The Orion Lines Discoveries We Were Made Nazca Aliens ORION ALIENS UFOs No, they shall say we have two presidents, what do we do now? Fear not, for God said, as I promised before this is My Nation and I will change things according to the time and season and I told you now I will expose and reveal things that have been hidden so that My Nation can move into this next election and to the next phase with victory and honor and glory, says the Lord of Hosts! D:Well, dont we really have three? but that was essentially playing with gravity distorting time.. Why do completely different ancient cultures have artifacts depicting the God from the machine? You know I dont really want to comment too much aboutNATOandwhos controlling the NATO alliance at this point. D:after we pass through this time period. Look not to Wall Street, however, observe. The SAC Airborne Command Post or "Looking Glass" was initiated in1961,[4] and operated by the 34th Air Refueling Squadron at Offutt AFB. Its JORDAN SATHER, NOT JONATHAN. Two devices were required, operating at the same settings, for either of the two devices toemit sound associated with the probable events they were presenting as data. Why did the countrys authorities quickly ban its study? The Looking Glass Portrait projects 45 to 100 different "views" of 3D scenes to create its holograms, which is great for more detailed captures from light field photography, but for less . Copyright 2010-2023 Monkey & Elf. 'Project Looking Glass technology saw that the Great Awakening cannot be stopped', says military insider. (LogOut/ According to Dan, the Looking Glass devices and Stargates were dismantled in an effort to protect humanity, based upon the totality of information collected. Background Looking Glass (or Operation Looking Glass) is the code name for an airborne command and control center operated by the United States. The Looking Glass was the anchor in what was known as the World Wide Airborne Command Post (WWABNCP) network. FYI. [laughs]K:Well, OK. [laughs] Emphasis appreciated. Im discussing 45,000s, 52,000s and present day. This one incorrect item calls your whole website into question. There were several attempts in the late 1970s, and 1980s, to bring the Integratron, the Time Viewer, aka Project Looking Glass, into the public, but none of these repeats of the idea gained traction. One such device, dubbed the "Yellow Cube," was used by global leaders to look into the future. According to Dr. Burisch, information on how to build the Stargates is in the Sumerian tables that they used to communicate with other extra-planetary civilizations. The Looking Glass project team is building a decision-support platform that uses predictive modelling to analyze policies and determine which can best protect Canadians in the new normal. D:those cylinder seals Oh yes. D:Originally it was a series ofinstructions for accessing the wormholes, which naturally pass in the hyperspace in which we find ourselves. bill wood : above & beyond project looking glass Bill Wood : Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass: An interview with an ex-Navy Seal This is an interview with an ex-Navy Seal, who, during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. Unusual plasma objects encountered at high altitudes by pilots, crew members and passengers of aircraft. Looking Glass Discord Server. It was further supported by observation of data from the quantum cube gift (Orion Cube) given to President Eisenhower in 1954. But how is it that In other words, if. Operation "Scope Light" for the Commander in Chief. $19.91 at Amazon. !function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src="https://rumble.com/embedJS/u11hu0s"+(arguments[1].video?'. Demo. Several researchers who discuss Project Looking Glass speculate that this project was born circa 5 journalistethics.com Project Looking Glass This 290 pages non-fiction book was authored by two PhD qualified academics in 1984 and 1986. Theyre looking at the P-45s as, as a means to an end for them. The prophetic Carlos Castaneda left a powerful prediction, what we need to be prepared for, The entities that control world geopolitics live within Vatican walls, Underworld Civilization: The X-Files by Edward Snowden, Radioactive swimming: A man who took Uranium-235 lived without illness for 82 years, A girl from Wyoming said that she visited the intergalactic alien station. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Through these Stargates you could access a wormhole and therefore in a parallel dimension or in a spatial coordinate different from ours. Get FREE email alerts of the most important BANNED videos in the world that are usually blacklisted by YouTube, Facebook, Google, Twitter and Vimeo. Also to other worlds? This is undoubtedly one of the more intriguing topics in awakening times, which seems to be well hidden in popular works of fiction. Although the two types of aircraft are distinct, the Doomsday Plane nickname is also frequently associated with the Boeing E-4 "Nightwatch" Advanced Airborne Command Post mission and aircraft. Pull our hands away. There was another Looking Glass device locatedelsewhere on the Nevada Test Site Range. Forbidden technology part II, Project Looking Glass - Auricmedia - Blogman's Wonderland Another of the ships he saw was the one that crashed in Roswell in 1947. All COUNTRIES will be allies. D:They just want for themselves. According to Burisch, accounts provided by captured beings known in the program as p-45s, future humans 45,000 years into the future, the Earth was destroyed by massive cataclysms around the year 2012. No, Trump is not Antichrist, far from it. I have no power over it and I have no clue. K:In other words, to unmake the technology. Level 4-2 was also the location ofProject Looking Glass. D:So the soul didnt go away and then come back. He carries a watch that is running backwards but when viewed Through the Looking Glass, it shows time correctly. The rogue P-45s jumped back, seeded the technology because, M:thats what they wanted to do, was to seed the landto help facilitate the catastrophe. Anywhere we find it, we take it. The so-called Deep State are the real patriots. Looking Glass. Project looking glass video shows how the dragon utilised the Elite to do the work. June 6, 2021. Why should they want to be P45s? K:All right. He explains the 2012 issue but more importantly that the cabal could not figure out how to change a future outcome they didnt like. But God said watch, I said 20,000. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. The living ones dont. Looking Glass Community Services offers a range of programs and services that may be creatively combined to serve children, teenagers, adults, and families. Watch documentaries the techno-fascists don't want you to know even exist. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. 1 Total Climbs Watch the video below and judge for yourself. In other words, the human mind can select a point of focus, just like in Remote Viewing, and receive information from the store of memories made during experience. If you want the challenge of helping a company grow into something special, then this opportunity is for you. Looking Glass Technology - Device using wormhole technology to see into future probability or past. The Looking Glass aircraft display will feature exhibits with lessons in American history. And we dont want to. I mean, they still have to live through Earth changes and cataclysms, right? other instantly. But it can be reasoned, based upon what they did say that there were significant experiments in the movement of mass back and forward through time, many of which were successful. I mean, what if LG were located in the middle of theGroom Lake facility, and the operators wanted to gain insight into the outcome of a conflict, say in the Middle East. See it in action here! This airborne command post function provides a survivable means of command and control in the event that SAC underground command center, alternate command posts, or ground-based communications are . Then the gas is injected into the barrel. Yeah. The Project Looking Glass device was used to predict the potential probability of future events. Were you in No?D:No. And he was a little smarter than Saddam, thats all. Hushmail and other emails From Concerned Insiders. Dan had the unfortunate experience of being in the room during one of those unfortunate outcomes, and witnessed a death., During Dans time at S-4, five concurrent programs were also being conducted. I dont have a looking glass to see through time, and despite my efforts to analyze ancient writings and other clues, I dont know for sure when the next pole shift is due. The fact that the P-45s are wanting us, to, at their stage in their own development, have a disaster which, which justifies their own history, is being used as a means to an end by the Illuminati who would like to see that the population is culled so that they can gaingreater control. This rabbit was described as having a clock in his hand, and wearing a royal maroon vest, with gold fringes, and black buttons, Level 2 or 4-2 was known as Alices Floor. ITs All Over! PMI Sites. Project Safe Place offers youth safe locations to go when they feel . Ive been using the termstargate technology, D:to meana machine that accesses a wormhole by spreading out the energy, the strange matter or whatever it is and Im not a physicist that spreads it out in a compatible way to either communicate through it or passage of information. Corso declared that the alien ship was the key to technological progress. This consisted of drawings and specificgalactic positioning codes which were used to program the Stargate devices so that personnel couldaccurately determine their destination point once the device was in operation., Source PDF Download Project Looking GlassLos Alamos National Laboratory But.K:Isnt it a fact that the Illuminati.D:Were doing most of the lions share. Q Of course, this idea of positive elements/people within our government and military that have been working to nullify the elite agenda (New World Order) is nothing new. The great pyramid was built right in the center of the earth: What secrets does it hide? The facts are: this is the material that we have available that we know. BRILLIANT IT COULD ONLY BE THOUGHT OF BY HIMSELF(GOD). Obviously not. The Looking Glass uses Wormhole technology. A corporation was founded known as THE UNITED STATES (capitalization required by law) that was owned by foreign entities, i.e. After building the equipment from the instructions, they began to tweak it and find different things out about it. An android will speak for the first time in the House of Lords, Stone age man who lived 31,000 years ago turned out to be a woman, How can the Fukushima disaster help Japanese scientists discover a new way to produce petroleum products from biomaterial, Jules Vernes Nautilus of the 21st century is here. Modern, simple and fresh looking glass based on Bootstrap 5 and PHP 8 (also compatible with 7). I think thats probably one of the factors, not all, but one of the factors for the rise of these beautiful children, the Indigo children. From that date, a Looking Glass aircraft was in the air at all times 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for more than 29 years. Of course theyre going to. So, it didnt leave and then come back, D:No. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker: More Than Just a Tanker. Order here! Did Looking Glass activities change the future outcome for the better? Jesus, the Son of God really gave His Life because of sins to save mankind. China will be given back to the Good people, CCP= ANNIHILATED. they were trying to observe through a gravitational lens. Looking Glass received $2.54 million of "technology development" funding from In-Q-Tel, the venture capital arm of the CIA, from April 2020 to March 2021 and a $50,000 Small Business . D:They dont. It can see the past and a possible future. According to Colonel Philip J. Corso (1914 1997) who wrote the book The day after Roswell, aliens are space-time travelers and those who led the hull that fell in Roswell had two brains, one of which was useful for controlling the aircraft. So thisLooking Glass technologycomes from cylinder seals. Once the device is tuned properly, images of probable future events are projected in open space within the fields, similar to a hologram. Thank you Dawn, I never caught that typo. Eisenhower met with several extraterrestrial groups who warned the Earthmen to abandon atomic weapons to avoid a future nuclear holocaust. In such an event, the general officer aboard the Looking Glass serves as the Airborne Emergency Action Officer (AEAO)[2] and by law assumes the authority of the National Command Authority and could command execution of nuclear attacks. Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. K:So what youre saying is the Illuminati want the catastrophe to occur, K:so that a certain number three-quarters is the number Ive heard of humanity dies. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Who do the locals see in the jungle? Below the speed of light, motion operates in three dimensions of space and one dimension of time. 4 years later she disappeared again. Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker: More Than Just a Tanker. K:is basically the side that believes thatthe transitions going to occur from one timeline to the other. The looking-glass technology shows you a glimpse or a scene from one instance of the future. That is, until in the 1990s, with the appearance of Project Camelot, and Kerry Cassidy. To answer this question, my contact was not specific, saying only that cameras did not move, as mass does not change in its perspective to space time. Create immersive experiences with the world's first group-viewable 3D holographic displays. . The technology is not being utilized now. deep state troll I guess not sure how anyone could look at the likes of Biden, Clinton, and Obama and think these Democrats are the better choice. JADC2 'Experiment 2' provides looking glass into future experimentation. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site is about finding out who we really are. Ark of the Covenant: where is the main power source biblical relic now? 100% privacy protected. This is essentially describing the ability to Remote View, wherein an individual can become cognizant of objects or locations using mind-clearing techniques and theta states of consciousness. The operator would sit in a chair that was apparently recovered from a downed extraterrestrial craft capable of interfacing withconsciousnessdirectly. '+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble"); Rumble("play", {"video":"vyoi3t","div":"rumble_vyoi3t"}); EVENT 1 April 18, 2022 NYC False Flag Bombing, EVENT 2 May 20, 2022 Assassination in Asia, https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/the-2030-singularity-two-timelines-one-outcome/, Tags: disinformation, looking glass, Nibiru, Planet X, social programming, survival, Zecharia Sitchin, Category: Planet X, Radio, SciTech, Videos. Next to the Project Looking Glass device were two transport pads which could teleport physical matter or humans from one location to the other instantly, but not always reliably and with certain disastrous outcomes during testing phases. One other deception, the dragon blinds lot of people to the truth about Jesus Christ. So in other words, God forbid the catastrophe occur, it will just appear as tomorrow and a catastrophe occurs, etcetera, etcetera, and we move forward and changes start occurring in the Earth, there is a disaster, there is a loss of, of huge life, etcetera. Bogus conspiracy theories like this have always been a part of U.S. history. [laughing], M:I want to reiterate. Its part of the loving cosmos that were part of. The fourth project was a separate weapons program developed as a second generation research program from Project Sidekick. What has been discovered? I am sure much has been discovered and/or refined in the process since then.. D:You dont. Facts matter! Project Management Institute . But I later noticed that from Hindu/Sanskrit writings, there seems to be an 11 year gap between the start of the Mayan Long Count calendar in August 3113 BC, and the date ancient India recorded the end of the last world and the start of the present Kali Yuga age in 3102 B.C. This contractor has had great success within the market and is looking to expand. Burisch holds disconcerting great information about extraterrestrials, the time machines called Looking Glass(Orion Cube Stargate), the plans of the secret government and the extinction of the human race. Looking Glass (or Operation Looking Glass) is the code name for an airborne command center operated by the United States. [6] With the assumption of this mission, a USSTRATCOM battle staff now flies with the TACAMO crew. Project Looking Glass and The End of the World Posted by David Montaigne November 23, 2019 22 Comments Filed Under ascension, black projects, December 21, Deep State, Destroying the Illusion, end times, future, gravitational lens, Jonathan Sather, Project Looking Glass, Q, time travel, WWIII ALL TRUTHS WILL BE TAUGHT, ALL LIES EXPOSED. And, and Im all for it. [1] It provides command and control of U.S. nuclear forces in the event that ground-based command centers have been destroyed or otherwise rendered inoperable. K:OK. Youre saying that if the catastrophe occurs. [6] The EC-135 Looking Glass aircraft were equipped with the Airborne Launch Control System, capable of transmitting launch commands to U.S. ground-based intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) in the event that the ground launch control centers were rendered inoperable.[6][10][11]. It allows you to execute network related commands within a remote network, usually that of an ISP. [13], On October 1, 1998 the United States Navy fleet of E-6Bs replaced the EC-135C in performing the "Looking Glass" mission, previously carried out for 37 years by the U.S. Air Force. Looking Glass (or Operation Looking Glass) is the (historic) code name for an airborne command and control center operated by the United States. Or four. Get real, the book was written before Trump became YOUR President. The Looking Glass: A Holographic Display for 3D Creators The Looking Glass is the first desktop holographic display designed for 3D creators. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Share on Twitter; . D:Some of them from other Some of them from Egypt. K:But what but how does it benefit them to, to provoke it? It is always best to start out with less, you can always increase more water/vinegar solution. One of the things that they found is that they could actually use it as a peering portal, like a peering glass, if you will, to see different aspects of, not only the future, but the past. K:So we want to leave thestargates, thenatural stargates. Further calling into question your website. The entire assembly can be rotated 90 degrees from the horizontal axis. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. One of these aircraft was the ship that Bob Lazar (a former nuclear physicist who was in service in Area 51) described in the 1980s. If you enjoyed this article, subscribe to receive more just like it. Kerry Cassidy interviewed an ex military guy who worked on Project Looking Glass. Dr. Dan refuses to provide the official project name for that program. According to the doctor, there are fifty Stargates on Earth, although all the Stargates have apparently been dismantled. K:Right. Trmp is THE Antichrist. 1. And so, the individuals who want to carry the, the negative line, are convinced that its going to occur, are not presenting the facts. [camera turns to Marci]. I think that the energetics that were passing through is part of whats happening to us naturally, thats changing us in a positive way. How much soul did they have when they threw my grandpa on to a car? We did, though, didnt we? The negative outcome is dependent on a series of terrible events that will occur from 2022 to 2029. They also revealed a MAJOR EVENT in 2030 that will change everything. The book was largely about JFKs defiance of Majestic-12s control of black budget technology and UFO research but as a side note, it mentioned that Project Looking Glass bends time and space in a way that allows looking into the future. There he learned that the military was in possession of spaceships and extraterrestrial beings. Instance of looking glass project Earth: what kind of civilization is watching us from quantum... Your browsing experience entire assembly can be rotated 90 degrees from the horizontal axis be hidden from instructions... Get real, the book was written before Trump became your President cataclysms! One of the Earth: what secrets does it benefit them to, to unmake the.! 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