why take strontium on empty stomach

I have plaque in my carotid arteries, 20-40% range, I started getting the MK7 with the Algae-Cal, but was already taking some MK-4 drops (5-8 a day). Laboratoire dHistodynamique Osseuse, Facult de Mdecine R. Laennec, 69372, Lyon Cedex 08, France. Research conducted using K2 (360 micrograms of the MK-7 form of K2 daily) in individuals with cardiovascular and chronic kidney disease has even indicated removal of calcium deposits from the vasculature. Study protocol for prevention of falls: A randomized controlled trial of effects of vitamin D and exercise on falls prevention.BMC Geriatr. This is what I do for myself. I read your research about the strontium ranelate vs. sc.from a post in 2010. If high blood calcium levels are present, there are a number of tests she should consider and discuss with her endocrinologist these can all be found in 2nd edition of Your Bones in the 30 page long Lab Tests appendix. Bottom line here truly worth keeping a food diary to see how much calcium your diet is giving you. If you do not wake up at night, you can take your strontium during the day you just want to take it when you are not also consuming calcium, so with a breakfast or lunch that does not contain calcium. So are you comfortable with me taking 2 of the AlgaeCal daily as I was hoping to up by strontium to 2 daily. Hope this helps, Lara, Hi Lara, Within a year after I began supplementing with AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost (680 mg strontium citrate daily), my bones were completely healthy. I just started taking AlgaeCal Feb. 10th I scrolled on your FB page &a read something about too much Stronium is not good for kidneys? As always, grateful to you! Or do you half that too? As soon as I stopped taking the Calcium Citrate, the thumping stopped. I also take WP which is similar to Armour. Kidney stone formation is almost certainly due to insufficient vitamin D (please have your wifes levels of 25(OH)D checked ASAPoptimal levels are 60-80 ng/mL, and vitamin K2. Less serious side effects may include: mild nausea or upset stomach; Epub 2011 Jan 11.) If you take 1,000 mg of calcium a day, split it into two or more doses over the day. You will need to get your blood levels of 25(OH)D [this is the circulating form of vit D and the best indicator of body levels] checked to see where you are, optimal range is 60-80 ng/mL. At all the applied doses, incorporation of strontium produced no significant change in the crystal lattice parameters, even if the ionic radius of Sr21 (1.13 ) is slightly larger than that of Ca21 (0.99 ) (Table 1). 5.0 out of 5 stars Bone Health. D3, K2, BORON & STRONTIUM: Bone growth is a complex process that requires many different nutrients. I just had another DEXA scan and the results are also normal, but less good than 3 years ago. My question is should I take 1 or 2 capsules of Strontium, given that my DEXA results are in the normal range? Most medical authorities in the field of vitamin D research, e.g., Dr Michael Holick, also check the Vitamin D Council, recommend at least 2,000 IU/day. I am interested in already now starting to strengthen my bones, by taking AlgaeCal and Strontium. In postmenopausal women, aromatase inhibitors, which prevent the formation of ANY estrogen, cause bone loss and fragility fractures (osteoporosis). So it could be that taking the AlgaeCal helps rebalance the magnesium in your body! We have found in the more than 6,000 patients we have now tested in a health promotion project we have been involved in up in Calgary that virtually everyone needs at least 2,000 IU per day, many need 5,000 IU per day or even more.) Thank you. Estrogen exerts many anti-inflammatory effects, so as we produce less estrogen, our inflammatory potential goes up. Interesting what you are saying about gluten. In this study, 176 women over 40 years of age followed one of three different bone-health programs: Plan 1 used a bone-health supplement with vitamin D3 (800 IU), AlgaeCals plant-sourced form of calcium (720 mg), and vitamin K as MK-4 (1.5 mg) for one year. LOTS of research re vit D helping to prevent falls heres a quote from just one of the most recent papers: Discussion Vitamin D supplementation can prevent falls, particularly in the vitamin D deficient elderly. (Reference: Winzenberg T, van der Mei I, Mason RS, et al. For my post on strontium on AlgaeCal.com, I did review more than 70 studies, but not all the studies I cite there apply specifically to your question about an appropriate maintenance dose of strontium for you. (2002). Again, however, what you (and each of us) is concerned about is YOUR personal potential for adverse effect. Ive been attending a homeopathic doctor for 25 years now and she always advises her patients to adopt a wheat free diet. The most recent study showed higher levels of DHEA were associated with 0.49% less bone loss at the neck of the femur (Ghebre MA, Hart DJ, Hakim AJ, et al. PLEASE read up! Since the volunteer had no prior history of strontium based medications or supplementation, baseline natural strontium levels were obtained followed by a 24h measurement of first intake of strontium citrate supplements (680 mg Sr/day). This being said we must ALWAYS trust our own bodies when our personal results dont match up with the research no matter how august and respected the medical journals or how many studies have been published showing something that our own unique body is not agreeing with! 2011 Dec;49(6):1290-8. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2011.08.031. Most of us begin the transition through menopause from age 48-52, so its great that you are being proactive about protecting your bones now, particularly since you are already experiencing conditions that indicate chronic inflammation (the plantar fascitis and arthritis). Accordingly, strontium has been thought to have potential in the treatment of osteoporosis. Thanks for the compliment, very glad my article set your mind at ease regarding the use of strontium citrate to safely help you rebuild healthy bones. Weve visited a couple of times we have friends at Southern Cross University and my husband, Dr. Joe Pizzorno, has lectured there. 2X better mineralization of Osteoblasts than CaCO3 and Ca Citrate Yes, all dairy is full cream, yogurt and NZ Cheddar cheese; unfortunately milk is homo/pasteurised and fresh is unobtainable. We recommend speaking with your doctor to see if Strontium Boost is right for you. The most current research looking into the use of high velocity progressive resistance training is just underway and will, hopefully, give us more insight into the best exercise protocols to prevent bone loss and rebuild osteopenic, osteoporotic bone. If strontium promoted hair loss, dont you think it would have been noted in the last 100 years in the many thousands of subjects taking strontium in numerous clinical trials? Ideally an hour before, or three hours after eating. Oct 14, 2007. I have asked questions on a number of different blogs or emails to companies and it seems like my posts/emails usually get rejected/or no response, probably because I asked questions that couldnt be accurately answered and thus demonstrated the fallaciousness of the product/marketing claims. AlgaeCal Plus provides 1,600 iu of D3 daily, but some of us need more depending upon where we live (latitude impacts our ability to produce vitamin D from sun exposure) and our genetic inheritance, which can greatly affect our ability to maintain healthy levels of vitamin D, which, for 25(OH)D, should be in the range of 50-80 ng/mL. I take about 350 mg of magnesium, and 3 tablets of ALTA silica a day, and Vit D3 is 3000, Omega 3 oil. 2001 Sep;69(3):121-9. I take a PPI for stomach ulcers which is time release and works for 24 hours. The two-capsule dose of strontium citrate = 680 mg, which provides 236 mg of elemental strontium + 440 mg of citrate. Just check that the websites listing this information have derived it from the USDA National Nutrient database. I have not added the MCHC to my regimen yet. Since your bones are now in such good shape, however, I suggest you consider using only a half dose (1 capsule of Strontium Boost) daily instead of the full 2 capsule dose. Here s a link to Dr. Grouts website: http://www.arizonaadvancedmedicine.com Your thoughts would be much appreciated. Hope this helps! Any help would be greatly appreciated! Hi smlhealth, Thrilled to have found this which appears to be so promising. Click on any of the subcategories below to jump to that section: Strontium is a mineral from the earth that is naturally found in your body in small amounts. Every woman in my family whom I know about for many generations back died from osteoporosis I am the poster child for risk for this disease, but have managed to beat it by learning what my bones need and supplying it. I will be having my next DXA scan in a month, after two years on AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost, and I want to be able to at least have a fairly accurate knowledge of what my BMD is. This is demonstrated in Figure 5, which shows that the strontium content was higher in cancellous bone than in cortical bone of cynomolgus monkeys, treated for 13 weeks with various strontium doses. The study found that caries followed a quadratic curve with strontium concentrations on the X-axis; the lowest prevalence of caries was seen with strontium concentrations of approximately 5-6 mg/L. Now I am barely osteopenic and expect my next DXA will show I am fully in the healthy normal range. Both the supervised and home exercise programs were updated every 2 weeks to ensure progression and versatility. The Magnesium has these contents: Nutra-Life Magnesium Complete Ingredients: I just noticed the warning on the label . Biometals. Hi Connie, I have your excellent book so I will not ask you to repeat anything from there. I was cautious about the calcium because of Mr. Barr, and was even more cautious when I found out I was in the higher range with no supplementation. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. Pure Encapsulations' Strontium capsules provide one of the many trace minerals essential to bone health. As you know, our bones continue to remodel throughout our lives, so the therapies used to support healthy bones must be ones we can rely on long-term. Would you have access to a means of contacting Li through the HKU Scholars Hub? Here are links to this research (I see only one of the papers I cited is now provided as a link in the post on AlgaeCal.com. These areas include our bones (specifically our osteoblasts and chondrocytes in bone), also adipose tissue, the lining of our blood vessels (called the vascular endothelium), the smooth muscle cells in the aorta (the main artery of the body), and numerous sites in the brain. What they found was that an increased risk of HER2/Neu+ breast cancer was seen only in premenopausal women with the highest levels of strontium in their urine. But, it might be a positive indication that you are producing a healthy amount of stomach acid, which would enable you to quickly dissolve your supplements for absorption. In our clinical research, strontium citrate showed no negative side effects, including no evidence was found in cardiovascular risk. Ms. Pizzorno, A CDSA is not as sophisticated as the OAT but it may be sufficient and it is more likely to be covered by insurance than the OAT. Calcium is also required for our nerves and muscles (including our cardiac muscle, the heart) to function properly. ND? BMD in my hip/femur had gone up 3.5% and was up 6% in my spine. https://www.algaecal.com/shop/ I have been taking Strontium Citrate 680 mg first thing in the morning for several years for osteoporosis.. Pors Nielsen summarizes the results of numerous studies in this review article. Would very much appreciate any references you have on this issue and will follow up and get back to you. My osteoporosis dexa showed a -2.5 in the hip. My wife has been following the AlgaeCal Plus program for just over 1 month. This usually means when you wake up before you have breakfast but you can take it if 2-3 hours have passed since your last meal. Thus, at the end of long-term SR treatment and after a period of withdrawal, Sr was taken up in a dose-dependent manner into new bone without alteration of the degree of bone mineralization and with no major modification of bone mineral at the crystal level. And its what I do for myself. 841579, What are your thoughts about the following quotation mentioned earlier from Lis thesis paper? Could you please comment about this article re: strontium ranelate. Your indepth info on Strontium Citrate has me leaning that direction.. but when I came across this info from you about AlgaeCal I thought it was worth consideringso my dear, I am asking how are your bones now? Check your diet to see how much magnesium it provides, again, you can use the Foods Rich in Magnesium table to do so quickly if you have Your Bones. Other studies a number of which are cited in the above 2 papers have also shown that weight-bearing and high impact exercise prevents bone loss and helps prevent fractures, both by maintaining and/or improving BMD and by improving balance, thus preventing falls. After reading these papers (which were published in the peer-reivewed medical literature and are accessible on PubMed), I decided to try AlgaeCal. When I stop taking it the headaches stop. I have a smoothie for breakfast that contains a bunch of kale. I very much hope this information will be helpful for you. I worry about blood clots. What the research shows is that strontium, in addition to its numerous beneficial effects that boost osteoblast and slow osteoclast activity, also indirectly inhibits resorption of the calcified bone matrix by stabilizing hydroxyapatite crystals. Curr Osteoporos Rep. 2006 Mar;4(1):34-9. doi: 10.1007/s11914-006-0013-6. I do not recommend taking 750 mg/d. The first is a review paper looking at animal (monkey) and human studies and the second is an animal (rat) study. HRT involves the use of extremely potent estrogens not produced by human women and has numerous adverse effects, including increasing breast cancer risk. However, discrepancy was also observed for several other transporters (such as MDR1, MRP3, GLUT1, and GLUT3) in both the duodenum and colon of human and rat. Hi Lara, you have mentioned your improved BMD DEXA results after taking Algaecal products including strontium. I just came across this thread and have a question. The drug form has been shown to greatly increase risk for venous thromboembolism (blood clot formation in the deep veins very dangerous) and DRESS syndrome (if you develop a rash while taking strontium ranelate, see your doctor IMMEDIATELY; DRESS syndrome is very serious, requires quick treatment and possibly hospitalization). Although you can still reap some of . Research conducted by AlgaeCal (which BTW is VERY unusual since supplements of natural compounds cannot be patented, so very few companies spend the $ on research), pitting its algae-derived calcium against calcium carbonate and calcium citrate in head to head studies a human osteoblast study and two human studies convinced me to try it. Your English is very good! Glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter whose release is great for focusing and learning while awake, not so great when we want to tune down and go to sleep (and stay asleep). Another potentially deadly side-effect of taking strontium ranelate is DRESS syndrome. Hi Lara: I experience this off and on myself, particularly if Ive been doing a lot of gardening, cooking, and housecleaning chores. Lara If I end up having dairy foods (like cottage cheese or yogurt or cheese) at lunch, I just take the strontium around 4 pm with a dairy free snack. 2011 Dec 9;11:910.PMID: 22151975 Baseline levels of strontium will always be low unless you live in Turkey in the one region where strontium levels in the soil are extraordinarily high. My guess is related to the research I am now seeing indicating how important a variety of trace minerals are to healthy bone remodeling and these trace minerals are supplied naturally in AlgaeCal. Your wife should be getting at least 120 mcg of MK-7 form of K-2 daily. (I have a copy of your last book and have read it from cover to cover.) Hi Lara, Thanks so much for your fantastic reply. The strontium I take is 1000 mcg. EASY to miss this I did for the first several months after I began taking AlgaeCal Plus. Aquamin costs less than AlgaeCal Why? This is a subtle distinction, but Im wondering if people are misinterpreting the instruction to take strontium separately. Thankful for reply before I order. They are the result of strontiums very positive bone-building effects on virtually all the key molecules involved in bone remodeling, including the following: RANKL &OPG: RANKL binding to RANK stimulates osteoclast production and activity; strontium inhibits RANKL binding. You can further optimize your absorption of strontium by: Ensuring your intake of vitamin D3 is adequate. Thanks for all the time that you take to answer our many questions. A brief shake of the head. 350, 459-468. Secondly, take your strontium at a different time of day from when you are consuming calcium. If any of these critters are present in your digestive tract, which is extremely common, they will co-opt the citrate and use it to fuel their own activities. Lastly, re bio-identical hormone replacement. If you can send me the names of the companies from which you are able to purchase stronium where you are, I will look at their quality control standards and let you know which I would feel comfortable trusting. Osteoporosis does run in my family with both my grandmother and my mom struggling with this. It did though. AlgaeCal is clinically Supported for bone health: One of strontium's isotopes Strontium-90 has a more sinister reputation. That said, we understand everyone is unique and we want to ensure youre feeling your best! I weigh and log all the food I eat and work out my nutrient intake as the day goes on. Thanks again for your help. The D.V. We are not routiney so there aren't set times when there must be . Bone resorption (medspeak for bone breakdown) tests measure the amount of certain bone proteins in the urine or blood (serum) that have been released from bone as a result of osteoclast activity. I did not put flaxseed or chia on my chart in Your Bones b/c these are not as commonly eaten, but I obviously should have done so! The research both animal and human does not specify the precise amount of strontium that deposits in cortical bone, but clearly show that the majority of the strontium incorporated goes into trabecular bone. PMID: 23877652 Originally, the labels were made just as you suggested, but for some legal reason, they were told 100% is maximum that should be stated for vitamin D. Also as I am sure you know, some experts are still saying 600-800 IU of vitamin D is the recommended amount despite years of research and literally hundreds of studies now showing this is not the case. You can get it at the following link. Where did you read that estrogens might decrease strontium metabolism? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In order to not loose more bone, I decided to also take StrontiumBoost, which I just ordered. and how many times a day? Its a very nice material to read and to know, thank you very much. The study found that the amount of bone loss directly correlated to the bacterial load found in the bones. To me it seems to show, over a 5 year period, bone on strontium aging and becoming more infused with calcium and phosphorous and less with strontium. That being said, your note suggests to me that if you have not already had your vitamin D levels checked, you should do so! Strontium and calcium share a common carrier system in the intestinal wall, which will. Thanks for reaching out, Sharon! The time, effort, and knowledge which you apply to answering questions is amazing. Your article clearly shows that strontium and calcium should be taken separately. The question I have is would this lower dosage be a better long-term choice after initial improvements? many thanks, Sara. For ease and convenience, most people take their Strontium Boost at night right before bed. I hope this will fully clear up your confusion, and now that AlgaeCal is aware of the potential for misunderstanding, steps can be taken to make the label on Strontium Boost easier to understand correctly. Calcium and strontium compete for absorption and calcium will always win, which is why it is recommended that strontium supplements be taken apart from when calcium is consumed. Great question! Yes, you can take Strontium and Magnesium at the same time. Unfortunately, this drug form of strontium is potentiallyharmful. It is true that calcium and strontium compete for absorption and calcium will win out in this competition, so maximum benefit from stontium will occur when large doses of calcium are not being ingested at the same time. Natural strontium salts, (strontium citrate), are safe (. I discuss the research on K2 and the 2 forms available as supplements in Your Bones. But, in people whose digestive tracts are infected with unfriendly bacteria, such as Clostridia, citrate can be co-opted by these bactera and used to fuel their metabolism. Bottom Line for best absorption, take strontium separately from other minerals. So how can the real amount, if any, of increase in strength and quality of bone be known or determined? I ran a search within the paper to be sure, and nothing came up for 170 mg. Consequently, they have a very large interface with extracellular fluids, and numerous interactions between ions from the extracellular fluid and ions constituting apatite crystals are thus possible. 17, no. So Ive got my algae cal my strontium, Im having my vitamin d levels checked and my doctor was very sympathetic to the regime I wanted to try.I took my 3 strontium tablets (strontium boost) last night and, trying to phrase this delicately, three hours later I was trotting to the loo. One ounce of chia seeds about 3 tablespoons will give you 176.68 milligrams of calcium. However, you must take Strontium either without food or if with a meal, it should be a meal that does not contain calcium. Will the strontium interfere with these medications? PMID: 11336927 again discusses that strontium primarily deposits in newly forming trabecular bone. Another quote from this paper on spine BMD improvements being most likely to be over-estimated . Here is the researchers conclusion for the first study: In conclusion, taken up by bone, Strontium induced no major modifications of the bone mineral at the crystal level. Thank Dr. Joe also for his recommendation. In the U.S., Canada and Europe, the typical diet contains 24 mg strontium/day. . While the baseline levels of 0.38 0.05 and 0.39 0.10 for the finger and ankle, respectively, were on par with those previously reported in Caucasians among twenty-two healthy non-supplementing strontium individuals by our group, an increase began to be seen after 24 hrs of 0.62 0.14 and 0.45 0.12 for the finger and ankle, respectively. I immediately started with my Calcium this morning at breakfast, I take Strontium 2 hrs after lunch everyday. I read the article by Meunier that he cited, but it was evident that said article supported 680 mg not 170 mg to be the most effective. In answer to your first question regarding the labeling on AlgaeCals calcium products, yes, they supply a little bit more than the DRI, but the DRI is considered insufficient by virtually all the experts in the field of vitamin D research. Approximately 45 min of each session was devoted to jumping and balance exercises, including walking, knee bends, leg lifts, heel rises and drops, dancing, stamping, stair climbing and stepping up and down from benches. We are, each of us, special, unique and irreplacable. PLEASE comment about this. Hope this helps, Lara. DXA (they are now using the acronym DXA instead of DEXA) scans should be run once yearly it takes time for bone to rebuild, so running this scan sooner will not provide good information for you. I also take 4 capsules of the Algaecal Plus daily(lunch/dinner). You may be surprised to see how much calcium your diet is providing when you add it up. Please dont hesitate to call our bone health consultants a call at __ if you have further questions or concerns. It is ALWAYS best to trust yourself. I am trying to compile information on research on strontium citrate and this will greatly add to my body of information. If you have a copy of Your Bones, 2nd edition, you can use the Foods Rich in Calcium table in the book to quickly get a good estimate of the amount of calcium your foods are providing for you. Since your supplement is giving you 750 mg of strontium in 3 capsules, it looks like you are taking a different strontium citrate supplement. Hi Lara, Note that the COMB study was conducted by Dr. GenUIs (not Genius)I have contacted his office regarding the type of exercise that was used by patients in the study and was surprised to learn that he recommends jumping, running, or jogging (exercises that are typically contraindicated for osteoporotic patients), working up to 300 repetitions. I have never seen anything suggesting strontium causes hair loss. I have been taking strontium citrate for two years. Re AlgaeCal Plus your bones, which are continually remodeling throughout your life, will always need the calcium, magnesium, boron, K2, D3 and trace minerals this supplement provides. We recommend speaking with your doctor and potentially ordering an Organic Acids Test (OAT). Modern wheat has been greatly hybridized over the last 50 years and contains WAY more gluten (gliaden) than wheat used to, and the food industry now also deanimates wheat to make it water-soluble, and thus easier to use in producing products. That's why our formula contains over 12 different supplements in one. After reading a number of the papers Chen LJ et al. Please call us at 1-800-820-0184 if you have any questions, and any one of our Bone Health Consultants would be so happy to help , Hi Lara, I have read articles on the internet that say Strontium Citrate can cause hair loss. I thought this might be in one of the two papers you kindly provided links to, but I could not find anything re thyroid in these, and I have seen nothing suggesting this in any of the papers on natural forms of strontium that I have read. So, how can we put the data into USEFUL perspective? It is NOT just calcium, but calcium within the matrix of all the trace minerals required by the sea algae to build its bony structure. As you work your way through Your Bones, I hope you will use it to figure out how much your diet is providing for you of the nutrients essential for building healthy bones and what and how much you will need to get from supplements. Thank you so much for your kind words; youre most welcome! Hi Tyler, I very much hope this information will be of help. I have to wait 4 hours after meal to take stontium (right) so I have to stay up late or end up getting up in the middle of the night to take strontium. In the section above with the subhead, Adverse Side-effects Are Seen ONLY with Strontium Ranelate Natural Strontium Salts, Like Strontium Citrate are Safe, I explain that the latest research confirms that strontium ranelate increases risk for VTE. A 4 hour separation is ideal, however as long as there is at least a 2 hour separation between strontium and calcium you can take it at any time of the day so taking your breakfast smoothie 2 hours later would be sufficient. Radioactive strontium isotopes (85Sr and 89 Sr) are also used as delivery agents for chemotherapy drugs and for diagnostic purposes in kinetic studies. Australia truly one of the loveliest places on Earth. Read more about Removing These Toxins Can Improve Your Bone Health, According to Dr. Trubow. Of K-2 daily Improve your bone health, According to Dr. Grouts website http., van der Mei I, Mason RS, et al ; 4 1... This morning at breakfast, I decided to also take 4 capsules of strontium citrate showed negative! 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Answer our many questions read your research about the strontium ranelate is DRESS syndrome to means... My regimen yet my regimen yet wondering if people are misinterpreting the instruction take. Am fully in the hip is time release and works for 24 hours grandmother! Absorption of strontium & # x27 ; strontium: bone growth is a subtle,! Results are in the U.S., Canada and Europe, the thumping stopped, unique and..