swan queen fanfiction emma fever

A meticulously researched work. Is it well-writtenwell, er, I do not say this lightly, but no. So, what if Emma died instead? 20 Questions?!" All the supporting characters are so fully fleshed out that you will love every one of them too. Swearing from the start, gets NSFW from Chapter 5]. Swan Queen, Post-Neverland. Emma and Henry kidnaps Regina, taking her away from Storybrooke so she can begin a process of healing. Its like a real life story, with all the pains, headaches and troubles of the real world. *WITH Sincerity*. The link for Operation Wings brings you to a different story!!! There had always been something so grotesquely alluring to Regina about succumbing to that which would ultimately destroy her. ), Yes! The author chronicles the evolution of Regina and Emmas relationship through a series of sexual encounters. Emma grinned, but then realised it was cold, again she focused solemly upon the logs and thought of lighting the fire once more. Both Olive and Enoch knew it was much more than they could handle by themselves. It was Emmas fate to come to Storybrook and break the curse. This entire fic is like a spidery maze, full of half-truths and shades of gray. No it is not. If you are none of the above, try it as the author has managed to capture the dreary atmosphere of a wasteland world and still leave you with hope at the end. It was an idea only an idiot could come up with Regina had said, though she hadnt disagreed with the plan, and half an hour into the drive Emmas inclined to believe her. Length: 19,000 words. Heart-tugging one-shot from Reginas first-person POV. Ongoing, chapters are short but very entertaining. She wasn't convinced it would work because she didn't believe this stuff was any goo Emma receives news that Henry is back in our world, but doesn't have his memories. nicely written, by Barbie-shoes. Thank you!I havent gotten around to that one,yet! Regina smiled and walked behind her. next months feature: the team with their favorite pocketknife/multitool? Thank you! Expect the twist. Dark and unapologetic, evil has never been so delicious. Plus, its worth reading just for the ending lines alone. ABC owns the OUAT characters I just borrowed their names and personalities. She must have seen it hundreds of times - no, thousands. Emma Swan has a big lesbian crush but she thinks Regina isn't interested so she decides to woo her and the results are hilarious. Regina's empirical, literal view of the world causes friction with Emma's emotive, instinctive attitude creating a volatile relationship. Due to the strength of the storm, both Emma and Regina conclude it would be best if Emma were to wait out the storm. At times, she thinks she finally understands what authors mean when they end their story with: they lived happily ever after. Only three chapters, but a really good three chapters. She knew Emma would wish to talk more before finally succumbing to sleep, so she mentally prepared herself for the storm of comments and questions from her curious daughter that began nearly as soon as her own words had left her mouth. The catch is the boy is both their son. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Beautiful story, well written. Its basically fluff taking place a couple of years after season 4, where Emma and Regina live together to raise Henry and have fallen in love with each other through their daily interactions, but have yet to take notice of it yet. Emma is losing her powers but that doesn't seem to be all she is losing. Emma sat focusing on the fire, and thinking of water, with a mix of how pissed off she was when Neal left her and she ended up in prison, the flames stopped instantly as if a bucket of water had tipped over it. As years go on, she desperately tries to find love, to find someone who will love her again. A Western Welcome by LZClotho (In Progress), Western AU. A marvelous fic with them on board the Jolly Roger heading to Neverland to rescue Henry. Emma feels that she could stand here and watch the moon all night. LOTS of OC's The fights are brutal, bone-crunching, and blood flows freely. Slow-burn Swan Queen. Summary: Something goes terribly wrong when the Jolly Roger falls into the portal. That job youve been raised for your whole life, well princess youre not very good at it. Once youve all read these I recommend Feel My Heart Turn Grey by Phyren Ice. Bold, dark and unapologetic. Emma Swan is a hockey player for the Dragons, an all-girls professional hockey team. Long fic but entertaining stuff. He thought he had been running as fast as he could before, but hearing the demonic way Emma's voice sounded, he began sprinting. One girl is the girl who everyone wants to be friends with, and the other is the girl nobody dares to notice. Length: 143,000 words. Takes place roughly 2-3 years after Season 3, in which Emma wakes up alone one day and finds that other than Regina, Storybrooke is completely empty with no human inhabitants at all. One word from me and youre dead. Emma snapped, Regina twisted her head but kept the two women off the ground. Having been deemed a savior even before birth, she never had the opportunity of finding out. Regina and Emma realise their love for one another, but both have a little problem with their previous lovers, when they finally become a couple and open up about it, There is just more trouble round them corner for them. Of COURSE. out. Regina looks up and smiles. Mas, o destino . All these small steps you take by Negativeblue (Complete). It never happened. A very original work, wispy and with the sort of feels you typically get from a Nicholas Sparkss novel. Emma tells her she thought they were just taking it slow. ), I guess Ive read enough to do a fic rec list, lol. Emma is totally jealous of Tinkerbell, who is being all sorts of affectionate with Regina. Goodreads allows fanfiction that is completed, self-published, and preferably book-length (refer to the manual, or the Goodreads Librarians Group). Raising a litter of orphaned werewolf children is not at all what sorceress-turned-smalltown-Mayor Regina Mills signed up for. Some of my favorites that wasnt even mentioned is: Summary: Set after Theres No Place Like Home, but ignores season 4. Language: English Words: In most other fandoms there is usually one core couple, and a little bit of shipping some other couple. You arent the boss of me., Until you actually decide to take command, whats stopping me?, You think you know everything, dont you?. "An Enemy." Hart Hanson created the storyline I just put my own twist on the story. Emma whispered to herself. So basically the TV show Bones with Once Upon A Time characters. , Thanks to all who replied with the ff recs! Fantastic fic that inspired a superb vid. And could we please change the music?, Driver picks the music, Emma says as Taylor Swift sings and the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate what Emma is picking as her unofficial theme song of the road trip. Emma knew this was bound to happen she just didn't expect it to happen this quick. Emma continued staring at the fire, how had she lit it? What if Gold had insured that in the land of Heroes and Villains, Regina's 'love' was Robin as devestated Emma watches as her girlfriend does not even recognises her. Does Emma see the light again? Even if it means coming about in less than kind ways. Now established Swan Queen. That's fantastic. She saved me, but that was before she became the Evil Queen, Emma. The Enchanted Phallus by Exquisiteliltart. Tied to the Dark One in an unbreakable bond she was unaware that even if threads are severed, changed and repainted there are tales that will always appear no matter what Done for the 2015 Three Dollar Bill BigBang. "Actually one of my foster parents had a stable, and I spent the summer learning there, so I can infact ride a horse, Miss Mills." (And when youre done, please do go request ByTheDawn for a sequel :p). Will Regina be able to help her? Great read as a one-shot, and with lots of potential as a series if the author decides to continue it. Length: 48,000 words. Double Trouble by Sea-ess-eye (In Progress). "Well, as I said to Emma here, we have a strong hold from the Ogres there, we can take you for futhur questioning.". Hey wonderful person :) It's me with the ff search ^^ Wow! about This is a place to find recommendations of Swan Queen fanfiction stories as well as asking for help in finding stories. Im happy. A savage bite of baked ziti. But its worth it to finish and the writing is so good that I find myself still gripped by it now even though I finished it a while back. All she hand wanted since the curse broke was to have her son backing his room and here he was, like nothing had ever happened. The Evil Queen saved you from the wild horse! Emma jumped into the story, providing the next phase of the tale excitedly. Maybe not so much. If they knew who Regina was, she doubted she could hold off the mob that would follow. Emma had ordered him out of the house, telling him not to return until he was ready to take back the accusation and apologise. i have a problem THANKYOU! The Secrets in the Telling by Pyrophoric (Complete). Ends when the curse breaks, with the sequel (Transgressions of the Heart) still in progress. FTL fic where Emma and Regina meet at Emmas twenty-eighth birthday party, and all is fine until Regina realizes who exactly the blonde is. Emma Swan se permitiu explorar um lado de sua vida que nunca antes foi explorado. Now she's standing in front of Killian Jones, and he's vowing to win her heart, without any games, without any trickery, and the bad thing is a part of her wants it. A really realistic portrayal of how Regina and Emma could have gotten together if there had been no curse. The Prophecy by FairyTaleArchetypes (Complete; Sequel in Progress). Set during the big storm in season 1, Regina finds Emma out in the freezing rain and reluctantly offers Emma a ride. :), Chapters: 8/8Rating: ExplicitSummary:Emma Swan wakes up alone. Finding herself slowly falling hopelessly in love, she comes to discover not only Emma's hidden world, but . Regina Mills stared from her window at the figure in the darkness. Length: 42,000 words. Everyone in Storybrooke has been transported back to the Enchanted Forest, including Emma and Henry. Believe it or not, Im actually an okay driver, Emma says. Bold, dark and unapologetic. Mnage trois [noun]: an arrangement where three people share sexual relations. Ahhh thank you thank you thank you!! I PROMpassing out | vertigo | collapse. Regina and Emma get together during the events of the storm in Season 1. Summary:When Snow realizes Gold is after Regina and Emmas truelove children, the family will do anything to keep them safe-including sending them back in time to the care of their former selves. (All can be found on FF.net), -Making Exceptions by misquotesandeigthnotes, anything by MaggieMerc, Purplehershey, B or Ericaland, or Velace. (Watch it here), A Ripple in Time by Chrmdpoet (In Progress). Im not going anywhere and Im sure as hell not gonna let anyone touch you. Captain Mills exchanged her freedom for safety back on a particular time where everything seemed to be lost going against a decision that would have turned her into the most famous Queen of all the Enchanted Forest. Her kids like basically a genius, maybe. First published Jun 19, 2013 Instead of Emma and Snow falling into Jeffersons hat, Regina and Emma fall in instead. Set in FTL, Emma is powerful, evil and irresistible here alongside Evil!Regina. I am addicted to read. "Well, your the 'Saviour' what do you expect?" Having made it to the land without magic before the first curse hit, she intends to give her princess just that. Officer in training by day, babysitter by night, Emma tends to keep fairly busy. Emma is training to be a firefighter whil [COMPLETE][EDITING] She wasnt quite sure what she had expected, mostly because she hadnt stopped to think through the possible outcomes, but she was a bit confused to find herself lying in her bed, clad in familiar pajamas. Sixteen-year old Emma Swan is determined to simply survive her final foster home before she ages out of the system, but Storybrooke, Maine, turns out to have more in store for her than she ever imagined. "Congratulations, Miss Swan, you have Magic." It was then that Mulan and Aurora returned with a strange animal, but looked satesfied. Based on Ouat S2. The love and acceptance Regina so desperately craved fell into step with the pain her mother convinced her she deserved, forcing her down a path paved with all the bad choices that Regina felt forever compelled to make. i am addicted to SQ fic. Emma refuses to leave her side. Regina has noticed Emma's antsy behaviour. And hey, Killian finally gets his dashing rescue! One random day a few months after the curse breaks, she learns that her daughter is more like her than she ever thought. That Drunken Night (I Hardly Remember) by Corikane (Complete). Never has it been so mesmerising, so beautiful. So here is a list of books by Swen writers that were originally Swan Queen fanfictions: feel free to add to the list if I missed any ;), Dear Taylor , originally Letters from war by @hunnyfresh, An absolutely beautiful Swan Queen fic by devandclomthat I just finished reading. Because i may have just found the motherload of fixes. Brilliant, but socially inept, forensic anthropologist Dr. Regina Mills works at the Story Brooke Institute in Washington DC. That night Emma laid staring at the crackling flames whilst Mulan and Aurora patrolled, Regina was with the black horse she hadnt left alone since she got here. But what happens when the Savior doesn't step outside the town's borders before the spell is casted? Its the only SQ fic where I feel Im reading a graphic novel instead. An intense psychological study into the mind of a broken Emma and a Regina who is trying to deal with the aftermath. To Protect and Serve by Janemac24 (In Progress). She covered her mouth as she slowly approached the bed, sitting carefully and pulling back the covers to see his face. I dont really read baby fics, but this is an exception. Delightful work sprinkled with little details and touches that are very enjoyable. Regina is left comatose after expelling nearly all of her magic saving her family from the Underworld. A mystery she wanted to solve, because she was unable to listen to the thoughts of Regina Mills. To Protect and Serve by janemac24. A hostage situation at City Hall leaves Emma with deep emotional scars that are destroying her. Dont let the premise of Regina hiring a prostitute (Emma) put you off, since the premise is simply that. *** There is nothing in the world that we can count on. Totally engrossing with beautiful writing. Fallout 3 + Swan Queen. "I'd have thought you would recognize Snow White's daughter when you saw her!" He chose her to be his partner in crime. Emma Swan is a firefighter , she puts her life on the line everyday. The Queen was , but the Savior was ready to put her pieces . A new SQ author, but an excellent one. I'm going to hell for what I've done in this - I'M SO SORRY! Emma and Regina are secretly dating but when Emma accidentally texts "I love you" to a group chat the Snow, David, Killian, Henry, Cora, Rumple, Belle, and Zelena all try and find out who Emma's mysterious lover is. Emma is a young criminal who has just got arrested for theft and possession of drugs. A super duper cute story by the author of Popcorn Love. Ruby has always seen parts of herself in Emma. With rickety black glasses and a swinging free, swinging careless ponytail, chasing after a guy who was gonna teach her all these neat little tricks to help her survive on the streets. Swan Queen is the femslash ship between Emma Swan and Regina Mills from the Once Upon A Time fandom. A Thin Veil (Charmdpoet) set in FTL and later on Storybrooke. Plus, it has Regina as a deadshot sniper! Ten years ago Emma Swan used to be different. Emma witnesses a murder, leading her to the path of the mysterious Detective Mills. Then, she was simply Regina, a lovely young woman full of love and light and hope, Snow answered her, sighing as a pang for the woman her former step-mother had once been rippled through her heart. I'm sure you do. The strive to create a safer, and more comfortable sex-toy shopping experience for the Queer community and more specifically gender non-conforming, trans and non-binary people. The Autostraddle Insider Issue 101: February 2023, Also.Also.Also: Brittney Griner Really Seems to Be Doing Well? So after some probably questionable calculations, I decided to compare the growth rate of the HP & OUaT fanfiction counts(just via fanfiction . AU - Emma is a soldier on reserve in Fort Benning. As years go on, she desperately tries to find love, to find someone who will love her again. You can also find her on Twitter and Instagram. oooh another suggestion! Emma stuttered, true, she hadnt, it had been the hat, but that would be hard to explain, she quickly came up with a fantasy character to blame. Its a loooong list (80 fics total) but diverse enough you should find something enjoyable. The lonely days before shed been sheriff and mother and daughter. And, so, Emma reaches the end of the hall and opens the door to her bedroom. "Im ridding us of two people whom will slow us down, do you not want to go back to Storybrook?" Regina and Emma have been meeting in secret at a cabin in the middle of nowhere for a year. It brought me back to Swan Queen fandom after being years away. After the death of Daniel and her forced marriage, Regina lost everything except her and Daniel's daughter. She was 16, and went through other things than her classmates, because none of her classmates was a werwolf. When Zelena arranges a stripper for Reginas birthday, she and her girlfriend Emma get a lot more than they bargained for. I loved their interactions, the unsaid, the sensuality. 'Jennifer was of in a usual, reoccurring daze. Emma yelled angrily. Judging by the movement Regina had witnessed, she must be on her third in under an hour. But because it will be her second time in juvenile prison, the government has decided to let Emma stay at a family, who will take care of her and teach her to be good. I justIm sorry but I just dont get the mass fawning and obsession over Popcorn Love. Does she really, though? But there were definitely at least eight separate occasions in the past month and a half when Emma Swan had been sitting in the gazebo in Reginas back yard, staring up at her bedroom window for hours on end. A short but lovely one-short where Emma and Regina have a conversation on Reginas couch. Beautifully written, with a evocative and rich descriptive style that really draws you in and makes you experience what the characters are feeling during the emotional scenes. A very well-crafted story, great read. Suddenly that girl is gone. I started off Mai-Hime ( anime) fanfic the. Its impossible to describe, exactly - only the feeling that something inside of her is becoming larger, and pushing and squeezing everything else aside. Henry is adorable here, and its delightful to witness Regina and Emmas growing attraction for each other. Emma discovers how to rattle Regina and it involves being under the mayors desk while shes at a business meeting. Emma has a magical mishap and Regina has to take care of her. But it will take a curse for that to happen, something even she could never have imagined. and of course the one that got me started reading SwanQueen in the first place, Enchanted by Queen Nan. Season 1 Swan Queen at its finest, where falling in love is as much of a curse as being alone. (On a sidenote, if you want to cry, read her other work The Art of Being Extraordinary, it will leave you in tears), Ill Take Note of That by Dirty Curtains (In Progress). Plot: Post-season three, Emma finds herself completely alone. Emma quickly looked to the side forgetting someone had fallen in with her, she hoped it was Snow, purely because she was educated in this land, but she was suprised to see Regina. After a goofy accident resulting in her getting stabbed, Emma winds up in Reginas Emergency Room. So does this make us both the other woman by Coalitiongirl (Complete). Regina decides to help Emma with her chosen method of escaping and both get more than they intended when they started this. I started reading fanfic because of Swan Queen and have become completely addicted. Plot: Emma and Regina are going to be roommates, for two nights only. Emma asked in a quiet voice. Snow White never thought she would get the chance to see her daughter as a small child. Sensing danger in her indifference, Snow and Charming enlist a whipping girl from a noble family to give Emma some perspective. Emma Swan., Plot: Young Princess Emma finds young Regina in her castles magical prison. Emma Swan Established Relationship Established Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan Consensual tickling fetish exploration Fluff Emotional Hurt/Comfort Not Suitable/Safe For Work Light BDSM Bondage Light Bondage Feathers & Featherplay Tickling Tickle Fetish/Tickle Kink Emma thinks she knows Regina. They have dinner one night and regina starts to see it and freaks. flag How will this experience impact Regina? Great read! WARNING: One of our lovely ladies dies in this, beautifully heartbreaking and I killed my own heart writing it! Let's have a personal and meaningful conversation and thanks for stopping by! Emma wonders. I'm going to correct this story because I don't know what happened to me to damage something that was going so well.I already look like a producer of SQ or SC and what a horror, firstly hetero than homophobic. Again though, she just wasnt in the mood to stall and worry. Regina sits stiffly in the passenger seat, handbag still perched on her lap and staring straight ahead, flinching every single time a car comes near them. Plot: Emma and Regina are going to be roommates, for two nights only. Awesome. "Sheriff, to say it's gotten worse is to downplay the test result. Fan Fiction Friday: 25 Swan Queen Stories to Make You Wish . Well, I certainly know more than you at this point. Great author who already has several wonderful SQ AUs under her belt. Regina finds herself in another world, discovering the Regina of this world is happily married to Emma and they are raising a family together. Had me in tears. Also includes works by newer SQ authors. After all her whole life is an example of that. A work assignment in neighboring Tahiti requires Regina to hire a cargo plane piloted by the carefree island-dweller Emma Swan. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Reading that story about The Idol and I realized I was just saying Yuck. Teleported and trapped in The Enchanted Forest they must learn to trust each other if they want to survive and return once more to Storybrook. Princess Emma White Swan is about to be forced into a loveless marriage when she meets the love of her life at a ball. Only the moon remains. Which is ouatisbae. They might all end up traumatized. Plot: An AU will they/wont they swerve set right after episode 117, Hat Trick. Will Emma get swept up in them or will she find something worth fighting for in a woman whose known too much heartbreak in her life all ready? Im the best guard here, you might want to keep that in mind.. I promise Ill protect you.. Welcome home., Pages: 1 2See entire article on one page. Emma wonders. Engaged to Killian 'Hook' Jones, Emma realizes that maybe she isn't actually happy with how things turned out for her. If OUAT characters chatted The Queens Revenge by Tigerhorse717 (Complete). She's got a wonderful son, a beautiful, tender friend and co-parent, and a family she can count on. A 3-parter with parts 1 and 2 completed. One 3.1K 76 4 by ClaraOswinOswald Share Regina wants to be with Emma alone , but things never work , until she falls off a certain cliff .. Emma Swan, a senior new to storybrooke high. Emma + Regina pairing. She didnt waste time dwelling on it though, just jumping up out of bed, needing to see it the spell had worked as she planned. The twist here is that Reginas deaf, but fear not since theres minimal angst. Unfortunately she is one of the few to have one of the few evil fairys for hers. No, its not Scandal lol. Hope you enjoy. They fall in love but separate and meet again in university, where Emmas a teaching assistant in Reginas course. And she can see from the way that Emmas face darkens that shes hit a nerve. At the name Henry Regina closed her eyes, sighed and then dropped her hand. Theyre all happy. Probably the only fic that has Emma AND the Charmings moving into 108 Mifflin Street, with a reluctant Regina. I think I didnt word my comment well. Updates regularly, with long and meaty chapters too. Theres no need to shout, dear, Regina comes out of the bathroom, still slipping the back onto her second earring. Seriously, do heed the warnings if you need to. Smut alert, lol. A wonderful fic you will want to reread while waiting patiently for a new chapter. She was different and she knew that she wanted to follow another path than her father she wanted Love true Love. Emma is a soldier on reserve in Fort Benning. This is obviously a cry for helpsomeone please answer it!