mike parsons ministry

Phone: (573) 751-3222 Jesus only did what He saw the Father doing. Now I would say that it is far more important to have that union with the Father in which He reveals His heart for us. (Hebrews 6:1-2 Mirror). Living in dual realms think and be It says that is not for now, and it denies the continuity of Gods purposes from Genesis to Revelation. That is really difficult: but it is possible, because that is the way God has loved us and He wants us to love other people in the same way. Search for: Tweets by 'TakeHeed' . It became almost formulaic, and that is not how God intends our lives to be. But I do think rest is something which is built into creation, and it was previously revealed as one day in seven but now as all seven days. Between 2005 and 2010 I went into that fiery place about four or five times and each time I described it as hell because I had no other reference point. Once we understand who we are and what our identity is, we can start ruling the house (our own house, but also the house of the Lord). That covenant is unchallengeable because Jesus cannot fail: His blood is eternal. The Father desires that all the limitations and restrictions placed on us by religion are removed; everything that hinders us from going to the places God wants us to go and actually outworking our destiny. Conferences and Intensives 2018. My encounters took me deeper into the Fathers loving heart, unveiling and revealing His Oracles for creations restoration. your responsibility as a mature son [daughter] in God's kingdom. Yet much of our preaching of the gospel, particularly in an evangelical setting, has been the opposite of that. That may not be easy to accept, because of the way we have been conditioned to think about love and about God. This includes continued access to the video recordings afterwards, so if the timings dont suit you, you can play any sessions you miss at your own convenience. It is the same proposition, but a different way of looking at the answer. Each of this series of blog posts is adapted from Mikes latest FREE video series on Unconditional Love. Online equipping for a Joshua generation - our interactive modular subscription programme developed by Mike Parsons. I went through a time in my personal times with God in which I was engaging Him in the garden of my heart, but I was in complete pitch-black darkness. The cost of the full intensive is72(inc VAT). I and the Father are one. (John 10:27-30). Ancient Path activation (from 270. Yes, His love is a purifying, refining fire, a consuming fire: it will consume every hindrance and objection and anything that comes in the way of us entering into the depth of unconditional love. But He already sees me that way now, which is why He smiles. Click the image or link above. These religious concepts have created a god that people find it difficult to trust, a god who says he loves us and yet threatens to torment us forever if we dont do things the way he wants us to do them. This may encourage them to stock it (and maybe even discount it). Yet it is so hard to just be when we are conditioned to do. But from Gods perspective I already am, because that is how He sees me. So we now receive all the benefits, all the promises, because of what Jesus has done. When I first saw the movie The Matrix I discovered that the false and fabricated reality of religion had been pulled over my eyes. But what it came down to was this: Trust in the Lord with all your heart (Proverbs 3:5). He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. However, if you contact us, we will get back to you with a simple means of giving. This was discovered by a couple of Christian astrophysicists, Trevor Norman and Barry Setterfield, who put together a scientific paper on the slowing down of the speed of light. Often we do not have because we do not ask (James 4:2). They are smiling and enjoying talking about you; because they are talking about who they know you to be, rather than who you think you are. For most people, things are just as bad as they were in the sixth millennium. There will probably need to be three volumes to cover the vastness and extent of my journey but lets begin. (Hebrews 10:15-18). A bad judge? While still in the process of religious dogma deconstruction, Mike . I AM is a constant, never changing. That state of being, immersed in that unconditional love, limitless grace and triumphant mercy, is an expanded state of consciousness, an awareness that forms the foundation of everything we think, feel and do. Here is the amazon.com link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1789630088/. Patreon funds are not going to me or any one individual but will help support our small team increase our capacity to share the message that God is love. How could it equal anything but 2? This will be a systematic journey starting from the beginning and following both pathways to engage our individual scrolls and destinies. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. (John 14:26). Mike shares and reflects upon the journals of his daily encounters with God in the heavenly realms. We are already unconditionally loved and forgiven and everything has been accomplished, so we can live in rest and discover our true identity as sons from that place of rest, rather than doing all the things we are doing to prove we are sons. Official documents have been filed with the appropriate government agencies and have been sent to the individuals. Just live loved, accepting that we are loved in a completely unconditional way: that is the key to this understanding and this experience. Christ End Time Ministries Wholly and Solely to the Glory of God Navigation. The encounters, like explosions of truth, destroyed my religiously framed construct to reveal a God who is I AM that I AM: pure, unadulterated, unconditional love. So lets receive grace and mercy every day and know there is no mark to attain. and all things that are Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine; and I have been glorified in them. (John 17:10). Mike Parsons' new book, The Eschatology of the Restoration of All Things will be available on 1st September 2022. My encounters took me deeper into the Fathers loving heart, unveiling and revealing His Oracles for creations restoration. As I mentioned before, that involves seeing things from a Hebrew rather than a Western viewpoint. Company number 10359676. Click the image for more details. Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Some of them are even free! The three tiers are priced at 5, 10 and 50 GBP (plus VAT) per month that is 6, 12 and 60 inclusive of VAT we dont want to make this out of peoples price range. If you will walk in My ways It has been a wild ride so far and it shows no sign of slowing down! Yes, you will automatically receive a two-week free trial when you sign up for an. Note: you can purchase any or all of the Engaging God modules if you wish, but a subscription is much more cost-effective. Daniel 7:18 tells us that the saints of the Highest One will receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever, for all ages to come. Well, our Engaging God programme may be too intensive for many people with 12 modules, over 400+ hours of video and audio content, perhaps taking several years to complete not everyone can invest in that level of commitment to it. So then do I have an obligation or do I have a duty to do certain things? We are walking with God, not going ahead of Him nor getting behind Him; not going left or right, not running, but just walking closely with Him in intimate relationship. Wisdoms Heights. This reflects the size of the book (800+ pages). Gods love has no limits: if you put a condition on it, then you have limited it. Now I discern when someone is genuinely asking a question from those who just want to pick an argument or a fight. Its just a really exciting time. Thus began the quest for true reality, to discover what my destiny had always been looking for. (Zechariah 3:6-7). So Jesus is above everything. Just stay still, and let Me do what I need to do to prepare you for what is to come. I thought, Of course I can do that. But when it came to it, my flesh was desperate to know what was going on. Like most people, I was conditioned to believe you only went to heaven when you died. Mike Parsons coming to 'minister'. Includes many exercises for practice. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. That makes sense to us. Also, by supporting us on Patreon, you can help us in our local work to help disadvantaged people. The previous four threads were woven together to create a rich tapestry expressing the pure joy and delight of a child discovering true reality for the first time. Self-centredness: it is very difficult because of course we are at the centre of all that goes on in our life, but that has to flow from the spirit, not the flesh. What is that Old Covenant foundation? However, if you contact us, we will get back to you with a simple means of giving. Jesus is Gods mind made up about us. For the best reading experience we recommend you download the epub file and open it with Google Play Books or Apple Books. Maybe you are old enough to remember all those books about the supposed significance of the Common Market being 12 countries, or about Communism and the USSR? Even the experiences I had, and some of them were good experiences on my journey, which were really fun at the time, but now I realise how limited it all was and that it was only drawing me to go further into something new and greater. You canpurchase all 12 sessions, including downloadable HD mp4 video, mp3 audio and PDF slides, byclicking here. Available wherever books are sold. I believe actually this is probably the most important and the biggest key truth that has made the most impact in my life though over the last 10-12 years. You should do this, you should do that. Our soul and body should be subject to our spirit, now that our spirit has come alive to God. If you can just grasp that one truth in an experiential way, it will transform your life as it has transformed mine. The further and deeper this rabbit hole journey has gone, the more convinced I am of Gods desire and passion for the restoration of all things of creation. Why would I not want to be obedient to God? Revealing just how good I AM is has not been easy, as all that I do to unveil the truth of love is being twisted into lies and deception. Now I have discovered this myself when I have been talking to people who really want to pick an argument. Mike gives step by step instruction on how to stop the dealings of accusers in your life. Thank you! Each will be able to ask me a monthly private question, either written, audio or video, to which I will reply in a private video message. Who said I should do them? In the end I just gave up doing that. Thank you! MICHAEL B. JORDAN has been giving his body to the Creed films since 2015. The cross was an amazing love transaction that dealt with the legal consequences of mankinds lost identity. But that word may also have further meanings, and they can be equally true, and equally valid. Wait on the Lord and be still. [You can find the original post in the comments. Online, particularly, some people twist what you say; and even if you go back to them with I didnt say that, and I didnt mean that, they carry on insisting you did, no matter what. My self-image is not how I view myself, but it is seeing myself as God sees me. Terms and conditionsapply. Get the videos of the original Restoration of All Things event! I should go to church; I should pray; I should read my Bible; I should witness: God challenged me over these things. The true reality of who They (Father, Son and Spirit) truly are emerged from the rubble that was my deconstructed mind into the glorious light of revelation. So when Jesus, the Messiah, arrives as the fulfilment of all the types and shadows, he quotes Psalm 40:6-8, and says, In sacrifices and offerings God takes no pleasure; but you have ordained my incarnation! Governor Parson has a passion for sports, agriculture, Christ, and people. He said, Well, youre already pleasing to Me. Ancient paths engaging with scrolls. Creation itself will inevitably be set free from its bondage and slavery to the corruption of our sonship by the revealing of the true mystic sons of God who have arisen and are shining with loves light. First 2 weeks free when you set up a monthly, quarterly or yearly payment plan. In this single-session teaching, Mike talks us through his foundational daily meditative practice. It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing (John 6:63). So Im really looking forward to meeting and sharing with more of you; and you know, we have 15000+ YouTube followers and I have 5000+ Facebook friends I dont know that many of you, and I would like to get to know more people and to engage at a more personal level. Cost: 5 GBP (typically less than $7 USD depending on exchange rate). I discovered the answer to this is yes and no. (Dave. My beyond beyond experiences were an ongoing process of encounters that created such cognitive dissonance that the God that I thought I knew evaporated into nothingness. Gods good, acceptable and perfect will is proven or known when we experience it but we have taught people that you can only know it by faith. [Engaging God] will guide people along the journey following the pathway of relationship, to deeper levels of intimacy manifesting the kingdom through their lives. What does it mean to be in rest? freedomarc.org/product/meditation-for-rest/. He is passionate about making available that relationship for us and therefore His wrath is going to be poured out on anything that hinders our coming into relationship; not the kind of wrath that we have tended to believe, but rather God passionately outworking His love to bring about change and transformation for our good. To start with, it wasnt accepted and they were called cranks, but eventually some more mainstream scientists also discovered that light was slowing down. We have come to understand that, contrary to what we may have been told, carrot and stick, punishment and reward, are not His way of doing things. "I got broken metacarpals, I got torn labrums and abductors and surgeries." "I got broken metacarpals, I got torn labrums . Now were launching our Patreon page in early March but the first payment will not be until 1st April, whenever you sign up. Also referred to as the Fiscal Year 2023 Early Supplemental Bill, HB 14 secures an 8.7 percent cost-of-living pay increase for all state team members and a $2 per hour shift differential for state congregate care staff. All video/audio teaching, events and live streams, Sons Arise! My Journey Beyond Beyond is Mike Parsons autobiographical record of deep calling to deep, the pursuit of intimacy with God. Monday 26th July 2021 UK and Thursday 19th August 2021 US EST. He hasnt changed His plan. Then the Father said, The ages to come are to be times of wonder and awe, where I will take my sons on an amazing journey of creative discovery. . The Eschatology of the Restoration of AllThings, FREE video series on Unconditional Love, 282. It is impossible to keep the Law: Jesus made that very clear. In lieu of . Thank you! Patreon has many benefits for us and many benefits for you, if you join up. Being sinless, because He loved us so much, He was willing to go to the cross and take our sin, our flesh, our self, and be crucified. 7 Spirits of God *Note Sadly, because of abuse by scammers we can no longer offer a click to donate option. We know He dwells in us individually, but this passage is saying that He dwells in us corporately. Our true identity and our consciousness of that identity is about being, not doing. the ability to engage and re-engage those encounters at will, and to mature in This event is over, but the recordings are available. Confess and call things into being. There is nothing that limitless grace cannot deal with or overcome. Now this is not true of every single prophecy, but it is true of some. You dont build your spirit in a day. Registered office: Freedom Centre, 1 Howard Avenue, Barnstaple EX32 8QA, UK. Governor Parson and First Lady Teresa live in Bolivar. That is why the Law was ineffective. We are the temple now, a holy temple in the Lord, and this is the most wonderful part a dwelling of God in the Spirit. (Gal 5:16). Mary Wylone Myers Parsons, 97, passed peacefully into the arms of her Savior in the early morning hours of Thursday, February 23, 2023. We believe and teach that every person carries within them a God-given superpower that is vital to the body of Christ. He served more than 22 years in law enforcement as the sheriff of Polk County. We do it all the time, most of us unintentionally! When we become Christians, we enter into a relationship with God in which we are no longer in first place: He is. The Father loves the Son and has given all things into His hand. (John 3:35). If you're not yet ready for an Engaging God subscription, check out the other teaching available on this site. Mike Parsons Engaging God! In that private group they can engage with me and maybe up to 10 people, 12 people, who who are also bottom tier supporters; so that each group can meet with me monthly. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Fathers hand. Lets focus on being an expression of love ourselves. Click on any link below to access an activation (video, as seen on YouTube). You need to have understanding of the nature and the character of God, of how God works, so that you dont go off the rails completely. For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He Himself is doing; and the Father will show Him greater works than these, so that you will marvel. (John 5:20). (These only served to sustain a sin-consciousness and was of no redemptive benefit to anyone.) I discovered the answer to this is yes and no. It is hard to love unconditionally if you have never really experienced unconditional love yourself. Mike is an internationally acclaimed speaker and author, creator of the Engaging God programme. If ourfree or paid resources are a blessing to you, please consider making a donation to sow into and support this ministry. The cross is not a pleasant place. event of 2018. We even speak about the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. And that is how God works. That is His highest agenda. If that link does not work for you, please search My Journey Beyond Beyond on your chosen retailers website. Look at the passage again in the Mirror Bible: Consequently, as difficult as it may seem, you ought to divorce yourselves from sentimental attachment to the pre-figuring doctrine of the Messiah, which was designed to carry us like a vessel over the ocean of prophetic dispensation into the completeness of the fulfilled promise. We tend to put a higher value on religious activities than God does. There will be five or more new videos each month where Im sharing and talking about some hot topics and answering questions: these will also be available to all three tiers, and theres no limit to the number of people in the first tier. He is before all things, and in Him, all things hold together. Were passionate about helping people helping the sons of God find and fulfill their destinies. You may not have thought of it in quite that way though. My experiences and encounters with their true reality exploded my limited and restricted understanding that had been framed by my minds religious constructs. It is not as if we have crossed over into this millennium and now everything is at rest. Our latest free teaching is 'Unconditional Love'. The complex is 135,000 square feet, he says. So when I used to read Hebrews 6:1-2, I just thought the writer was enumerating the elementary principles of Jesus that we needed to lay but in reality they were exactly the opposite of that. He does not want us to be limited or restricted in any way: therefore there are some challenges on the journey of deconstruction that challenge what we thought was true about God and about ourselves, and which will change our thinking. (From the Introduction to The Restoration of All Things, by Mike Parsons). Registered office: Freedom Centre, 1 Howard Avenue, Barnstaple EX32 8QA, UK. I often went on adventures, sometimes with my friends but mostly on my own, and would come back with some treasure usually a creature that I had captured to be added to my personal zoo. Mike has a mandate to see the sons of God released into the fullness of their destiny. It may be completely out of the context it was originally written for, but He can still speak it to your heart and speak to you in it. Do you want to go higher? [If video does not play, view it on YouTube]. He is so good, so loving, so kind, so thoughtful, so passionate, beyond what I could have ever imagined until I met Him face to face and began to experience Him as He revealed Himself to me. This book continues the journey to where beyond was taking me. In addition to the teaching sessions, there will also be time set aside for us to encounter the Father for ourselves. Mike Parsons, Expanding Our RealityIntensive. I used to go to God every day and ask what my mandate was for the day. Love must be extreme or it is not love. and I will grant you free access Life is joyous! I have engaged with the heart of God, discovering who I am and discovering that state of being at rest, that state of consciousness which is an awareness of the heart of God. Registered office: Freedom Centre, 1 Howard Avenue, Barnstaple EX32 8QA, UK. Mans destiny has always been to rule, to bring heaven to earth (Gen 1:28). I often took things apart and, to my mothers dismay, was unable to reassemble them. The Bible, Gender and Church Research Centre; Generation: The Centre for the Study of Youth, Children and Families Mission and Ministry; The Samuel Chadwick Centre; . Ive still plenty to share and I loveanswering questions and mentoring people to help them engage God directly and fulfill their destiny. There are a number of things we can do to build our spirit. Both can be true. It was not a place of fear, just of not being able to see anything and resting in complete stillness before Him. I had to die to that need to know what was going on. You can still join us and interact with hundreds ofother hungry seekers ofthe Kingdom, from all around the world! I would love to have a real six-pack, and the body of Mr Universe, but I have not got the discipline to go in and train myself to do it. That is really hard for the flesh to take. If love does not win in the end then it cannot be love; but love can never be forced, just continually demonstrated again and again, until it eventually overcomes every obstacle, objection, excuse and reason. I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing But what I do want enough is a strong spirit, and therefore I am willing to do whatever it takes to train it. I loved to try to fix things that were broken, using my inbuilt ingenuity to solve problems with whatever was at my disposal. We are beginning to experience this, that when we come together we are a dwelling of God in the Spirit, and His Presence manifests among us that is what the glory of God is all about. This is not about there being a long period of evolution: I do not believe in evolution. That was just putting myself under pressure, which removes the joy. Two completely different agendas, because if you please yourself you cannot please God (and our flesh does not even want us to understand that). Click here to see it. 'Engaging God' is an On my journey God has really challenged me about that word and I am trying to eliminate it from my vocabulary. We are based in the UK, so all our prices are in British Pounds (GBP). He shares His heart and inspires and encourages us. Freedom Apostolic Resources, Freedom Apostolic Resource Centre, and Freedom ARC are trading names of Freedom Apostolic Ministries Ltd., a company registered in England. In that atmosphere at present are the principalities, powers and rulers of wickedness. Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come forth from God and as going back to God (John 13:3). Our Patreon patrons give a small amount each month and can join us for our monthly group Zooms, get exclusive or early access to Mikes teaching and enjoy further patron-only benefits. And to everybody? Look how they hurt me! If you have been involved in church for very long, you know how easy it is to be hurt by people, whether deliberately or by accident: in relationships it is hard to maintain a loving attitude to someone all the time. From a place of intimacy with God, we will allow Him to change and transform our lives, removing from us everything that is a hindrance or a stumbling-block. Engaging The Father) Psalm 23 Green Pastures activation (from 268. Often there is an immediate or initial fulfilment that we can see, for example in the life of Jesus, and there is also a progressive fulfilment that goes on happening. Therefore you cannot just read something, see how it was worked out once, and think that because of that is it over and done with. 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