. After all, adult males were all but worthless and demand for women might have been enough to drive the trade anyway. They also ran a slave trade to the Ottoman empire and white slavery in the north without any help from Europeans. He talks about slavery because YOU care. Indeed in many cases, whose ancestors didnt even live in France or England at the relevant time. And yes, grand scheme of things, forced choice between living in a central Asian city about to be captured by ticked-off Mongols and an African tribal group about to be captured by profit-hungry slavers then fine, I take the latter hands down. In the UK its not white people enslaving blacks anymore, but Asians enslaving other Asians, as in Leicesters clothing sweatshops. And I dont think this is what reparations campaigners are calling for either, as I understand it their argument includes systematic legacy issues not just the period of slavery itself, so the harm relates more directly to them not just their ancestors. There is no reason to think that slavery was nicer in Africa. He adds: "The reason Equiano's story, Equiano's voice, is not as well known as it should be, is because we have a long habit in this country of not wanting to talk about slavery. Video, 00:02:30. Used to be on a long-dead and much missed forum where the topics of debate ranged far wider than they do here (as did the viewpoints I think it would be useful if us right-wing brexity mob didnt chase off the sensible non-right-wing non-brexity types so much). He also studied at the University of Liverpool and so benefits from slavery as much as anyone else. Then the second. Would probably have taken your suggestion as a challenge. Some other buyer would have taken them if they werent shipped out, and Western (or Arab) traders were just changing the ownership and location, the sins of the slave-raiders being theirs alone to bear. Africans had a demand for female slaves. The evidence of this is that seasoned slaves, those exposed to the environment, sold for up to 50% more than new ones. . But that ignores how the demand of outsiders led inevitably to far more supply being provided, so I dont think the traders can be given a pass on this front either. Id agree that attitudes in the UK are approaching that situation, but theres still a long, long way to go yet. It's against this backdrop that Black British History Month was created. Pretty much everybody in the West is against slavery. The exception is Tim Worstall, who is truly the Ron Jeremy of blogging. By David Dabydeen (Photo By Alamy) Nineteen eighty-four was a transformative year for David Olusoga. It died out with the Romans leaving, and its non-legality repeatedly reaffirmed from the reign of the early Normans onwards.. In America few were castrated, which is why there are now >40 million descendants there. I have a peeve about the BBC genealogical show Who do you think you are? which I dont know whether has been inflected upon the Left Pond. Theres a flaw in arguments of the form frankly you should be glad I murdered your sister, since had I not done so, its quite possible though we cannot be sure that someone else would have tortured her then murdered her, which is even worse, so whos the real criminal? Which is that I still murdered your sister. John Mandeville, whose travelogue (circa 1356) was one of the most widely translated books of the later Middle Ages, presented Africans as naked savages living amid heaps of gold to which they gave no value. David then moved with his mother and three siblings in the north-east of the UK. There is no reason to single White people out for unique levels of criticism. If more African-Americans started to vote Republican and the Democrats felt they needed something radical to boost their offer, and had enough support from liberal whites and other groups to risk further losses among blue-collar whites, for example. In 1787, they met in London and set up the Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade. You may concede a point here, a point there. Two men managed to escape and were rescued, but not before my great, great, grandfather was beaten, starved and worked to death, his body thrown into the jungle for the animals and insects to dispose of. History is just one awful thing after another. Both of these need proof. P rofessor David Olusoga is reviewing a disorientating year from a familiar place: his white-painted study, the one with the guitars hanging from its walls. My argument is that Africans were probably happily killing each other for women before the West turned up. But that ignores how the demand of outsiders led inevitably to far more supply being provided. The rest apart from Ireland (17, partly due to influence of aforementioned Patrick) set it younger. 5 quotes from David Olusoga: 'On a peninsula protruding into one of the great highways of the Atlantic slave trade, a few hundred refugees from British slavery in North America were attempting to recreate the social structures of Northern Europe in the Middle Ages.', 'Time and again events and phenomena that we think we know and understand contain within them lost or camouflaged connections to . Would also apply even if down a different family line there had been beneficiaries of the slave trade. Not sure theyd do that with modern sensibilities mind you. Ill disparage them. Slaves were crowded in a new environment with new diseases. Maybe heard of Saint Balthild, seventh-century English lass sold into slavery, exported to the Continent, served in a palace and ended up marrying the Frankish King?). I brought up paedophilia to demonstrate that there are things not worth my time. What is their strongest argument? If one disproves his assertions would slavery then be okay? She wasnt interested in my academic pursuit. He updates Fryer, citing radioisotope analysis of skeletons and craniometrics, which support written documentation of Aurelian Moors guarding Hadrians Wall and settling in places such as Yorkshire. Olusoga unloads all sorts of characterizations. Over 1000 years in Britain. Was never entirely sure which bits were believed and which bits were just a fun bit of intellectual muscle-flexing couldnt all have been intended seriously since so many posts contradicted each other. Sure. Quick and essential guide to domestic and global politics from the New Statesman's politics team. The good news is that Black Lives Matter may be that trigger. The New Statesmans weekly environment email on the politics, business and culture of the climate and nature crises - in your inbox every Thursday. And that still stands even if there really are a bunch of torturing murderers out there too. Such sources give his writing freshness, originality and compassion. Surely the US has already spent much more than that on black Americans. It can be withdrawn. It died out with the Romans leaving, and its non-legality repeatedly reaffirmed from the reign of the early Normans onwards. The government has said the "flexibility within the history curriculum means that there is the opportunity for teachers to teach about BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) history across a spectrum of themes and eras" so it did "not believe it was necessary to change the curriculum". Olusoga, who presents the BBC documentary series A House Through Time, told presenter Lauren Laverne that racism was "just the background hum of life" when he was growing up. But werent they lucky compared to the other Germans in Stalingrad? It isnt happening now. My great, great, grandfather was one. It could have ended earlier, but the planter interests in parliament defeated William Wilberforces attempts. If you think 14 is the wrong decision for the boundary, a better argument is a rebuttal of the strongest case for 14 rather than a rebuttal of a straw-man version of it. Women such as Elizabeth Heyrick continued to lobby for the abolition of slavery. That involved killing the adult men. Both groups today, especially the former, could reasonably claim historic persecution has reduced their present income and wealth. Dr Peter Olusoga is a senior psychology lecturer at Sheffield Hallam university. How could Britain, a civilised and Christian nation, indulge in rape, torture, killing and the forced labour of Africans over two centuries? It seems absurd to me that anyone should be concerned about what happened 200 or 500 years ago. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andr_Gide, Less flippantly, Western countries are not of one mind when it comes to the age of consent sex with a 14 year-old is legal in some countries, criminal in others (yes yes, paedophilia versus ephebophilia etc, you got me). When I met her, ~1995, I started asking her questions about the war, as I thought she was a fabulous resource of information. The many African-American abolitionists, such as Frederick Douglass, who visited Britain from the 1840s onwards, were well received and, again, thousands of people greeted them and raised money to support their cause. Peter Pan & Wendy is a live-action reimagining of the J.M . Your email address will not be published. As a nation, we still have only a dim understanding of the slave system that funded Sloanes collecting. That may have caused more violence. This is a moral argument. Even did something positive. (At least in our society) Get over it. You lost those two. And the transatlantic slave trade? You know, entirely ignoring lifetime effects? I had a girlfriend whose mother was a Nazi. They all get it from White people inciting violence. It was an apt university to experiment with such developments, since Lord Scarman, who reported on the Brixton riots of 1981, was its chancellor. Its entirely possible to think something was awful without feeling the slightest twinge of guilt or personal responsibility. We do not know how great the demand for women was. Sign up to receive information regarding NS events, subscription offers & product updates. We do not know for sure. You should know better. Kyle Rittenhouse, unlike the rest of their sorry asses, did something. And tolerance is not a given. Theres an argument about judging people by the standard of their times, though even in the 1500s moral and religious objections to the slave trade had been made and the rationale of crimes against humanity is that some things are so abhorrent they could never truly be legal no matter what moral code the perpetrators justified themselves with. Or anything to do with slavery. . I think a case could be made. If Olusoga is looking for apologies or compensation for slavery, I am quite prepared to meet him, accept his apology, togehr with cash, cheque or even a postal order. Anyway, I digress, we did have at some point, a gang of pedos turn up and put their case, reasonably, and were tolerated and conversed with. They are stupid false for America. Reckon they found commenters guessing which parts of a hypothetical argument were meant all part of the fun, In many respects youre one of the posters here whose views on morality Im closest to our personal moralities probably being quite far apart, but I recognise mine as very much the product of my upbringing and surrounding society and know enough about other places and times to realise just how contingent that makes them. Then dont discuss it. He seems to be an interesting social historian and his TV series on the occupants of a single house over the centuries is very good, although I suspect a lot of the research is done by others, I look forward to an even handed expose of the entire slave trade from birth to capture, imprisonment, sale, transportation, arrival, sale, treatment and life while enslaved as well as the UKs role in stopping it, But it wont be on the BBC, and he wont be writing it I fear, @smfs If black lives really mattered these people would be protesting the 500 shot dead so far by predominantly black men in Chicago this year. Blacks like Mr Olusoga despite endlessly banging on about it seem to overlook the fact that they are in a minority. Britain's role in the transatlantic slave trade is part of the national curriculum, although it is not statutory. This is nothing to do with slavery or as with black lives matter, blacks being shot, and everything to do with a shakedown of the white man. "They're not looking to history only to make them feel good and give them comfort, but they're looking to history to tell them things about truths about their society that we have traditionally edited out of British history.". Once insignificant villages, great cities such as Liverpool, Bristol and Glasgow sprang up on the profits of slavery. But any planter who deliberately starved his slaves to death would quickly go bust. "They look to history not just for inspiration and comfort, not just for heroes and for glorious chapters; they look for history expecting to find challenging stories, painful stories, dark truths, villains as well as heroes. A House Through Time returned to BBC Two in May for its third season, and once again is fronted by historian extraordinaire David Olusoga. His exposure to Nigerian culture seems quite limited. "This is a richer history as well as a necessary history; this is a more vivid history as well as a history that tells the back stories of more people in this country than the traditional narratives we've had.". Nor do I think that sugar is worse than cotton. Olusoga is making an appeal to white guilt. And the fact youre moved to tears by discovering for the first time a great-great-great-grandmother of yours was a prostitute single-mum with seven kids or a great-x5-uncle you had never heard of was imprisoned for murder, well, your utter lack of knowledge simply reveals how little youve been influenced by them, so youre hardly discovering a new facet of yourself at all. I was doing some genealogy research when I discovered my great grandfather was a well known member of the 18th Kentucky Infantry. Instead the racket still goes on with endless boatloads of illegals swarming into Europe. No? They included Josiah Wedgwood (the pottery entrepreneur), Granville Sharp and Thomas Clarkson. This year, return to Neverland. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. I imagine few do. It may have made sense for the SS to starve labourers to death. What would happen to that money, who knows, but as its (or was) your money, thats between you and your grifter of choice. Shipwrecked off the coast of Africa, he, and other survivors, were taken by an African tribe as captives. I do not see what is different between a plantation in Africa and a plantation in Virginia. And any reparations should be paid 50% by the African states for the areas which sold the slaves and pocketed the proceeds. But slaves were more valuable, so the British fought the Spanish for a share in the trade and eventually came to dominate it. Then a young teenager, he was driven out of his council home, together with his grandmother, mother, two sisters and younger brother, by a sustained campaign of nightly stoning of their windows. His current research focuses on stress, burnout, and wellbeing in sports, with a particular interest in high-performance environments and elite coaching. From Roots. Long after slavery ended in the British colonies, British people continued to lobby the American government to free their slaves. Within the EU the two most common ages of consent are 14 and 15 (if Ive done my counting correctly), though in some but not all cases thats with additional restrictions on permissible age gaps. Then the adult men became profitable too. Support 100 years of independent journalism. Thats what I dont like about the angle of Tims header. Dr Peter Olusoga is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology. So wherever the wealth came from, it wasnt just slavery (or even mainly), Olusogas an alright presenter but a class A race hustler, Edward Lud August 30, 2020 at 9:12 am We could just cut to the chase, and impose a reparations tax on anyone who is descended from from anyone who did something, er, wrong.. I think it's an astonishing achievement.". That needs to change, The autonomous future is nearly here with Wejo, The need to grow Londons EV infrastructure at speed and scale, From royal trumpeter to chief diver, Miranda Kaufmann uncovers the Africans of Tudor Britain, The big consultancy con, with Mariana Mazzucato, The rise and fall of Nicola Sturgeon Audio Long Reads, Facility / Grounds Management and Maintenance, HR, Training and Organisational Development, Information and Communications Technology, Information Services, Statistics, Records, Archives, Infrastructure Management - Transport, Utilities, Science and Technical Research and Development. Not many remember anything about segregation either. Prof Olusoga says statues, such as those of slave traders . Shouldnt Olusoga be writing in Ubangi bantu-language? Well one economist has worked out the amount to be paid (although not on a damages basis, when one imagines blacks might end up paying whites, but on a close the wealth gap basis): A renowned economist has said that $12 trillion should be afforded to black Americans in reparation for slavery to help the close wealth gap. But that is not the argument I am making. Not good. He has discovered new and exciting research materials in African archives, among them the Register of Liberated Africans in Sierra Leone, which list names, bodily details, ethnicity and origins, thus putting a human face on people otherwise treated as fodder and statistics. Nevertheless, we live in a society that generally regards slavery as an absolute and eternal wrong, and a grave one at that, yet which has historically (at least certain people and places, and including the state itself) benefited from imposing slavery on others.. The Barbados slave code of 1661 stripped Africans of all human rights, and set out ways in which they were to be punished, to exert control over their labour (mutilation of the face, slitting of nostrils, castration, execution). Later his parents separated from each other when he was just two years old. One in which enslaved people suffered and even died from malnutrition, as the economics of the slave trade meant that it was cheaper, at times, to starve people and then replace them than it was to provide them with food. But Ill tell you what, slavery and human sacrifice, still awful. Under English law, damages are assessed as being that amount needed to restore them to the position they would have been, had the event claimed against not occurred. They may not be happy about Dresden or Hiroshima but their lives are much better. In 1861, the Economist stated that nearly four million people in Britain depended directly and indirectly on the cotton industry; a fifth of the entire population. I am happy with Olusogo paying reparations to himself. Hes insisting that a household headed by a 21 year old black should have the average wealth of all white households. Less flippantly, Western countries are not of one mind when it comes to the age of consent sex with a 14 year-old is legal in some countries, criminal in others (yes yes, paedophilia versus ephebophilia etc, you got me).. One of the reasons why the American and Caribbean experiences were very different. "They do not want British history to be a catalogue of heroes and victories and glorious chapters," he says. "This generation has the greatest knowledge-giving tool ever created and they have access to knowledge that I just did not have when I was younger. Not sure how sick this makes me. Though I dont know where wed get $12 trillion in Confederate currency. Prof Olusoga says statues, such as those of slave traders . A renowned economist has said that $12 trillion should be afforded to black Americans in reparation for slavery to help the close wealth gap.. I know there are posters on here who see stepping into their opponents perspective as a dangerous and pointless endeavour that gives undue worth to a viewpoint they despise, but purely as a mental exercise theres usually something to be said for examining your opponents strongest argument instead of their weakest. Heroes of 2020 What Marcus Rashford's campaign for hungry children tells us about . To be honest, I was a bit sceptical about the Olympics coming to London, but the atmosphere across the capital was genuinely wonderful . Oh man. I generally reckon cant blame me, my distant relative was on your side arguments are pretty weak since relying on a doctrine of virtues of the fathers risks implicitly accepting sins of the fathers. Video1894 shipwreck confirms tale of treacherous lifeboat, How 10% of Nigerian registered voters delivered victory, Sake brewers toast big rise in global sales, The Indian-American CEO who wants to be US president, Blackpink lead top stars back on the road in Asia, Exploring the rigging claims in Nigeria's elections, 'Wales is in England' gaffe sparks TikToker's trip. Macmillan, 624pp, 25, David Dabydeen is a novelist, broadcaster, academic and co-editor of The Oxford Companion to Black British History (Oxford University Press), This article appears in the 16 Aug 2017 issue of the New Statesman, Trump goes nuclear, Quick and essential guide to domestic and global politics. As would Beyonce. No one has said we should not consider someone elses viewpoint. It does not take people long to starve to death and slaves were paid for. Ironically, one of the sources we can turn to in order to learn more is his own accounts of late 17th-century Jamaica. Cheap ass presentism. I personally dont find that as convincing as the case that slaves themselves deserved compensation, and while there were strong political and practical reasons owners were compensated upon abolition but not their former slaves, it doesnt leave a great moral taste in the mouth that twas so. In the case of slavery the answer is clear. It could not have happened at all unless African traders and kings had offered slaves to the Europeans. No member of my family ever owned slaves. I have that estimate saved and ready to be critiqued as part of a larger project. It was such a brilliantly organised programme of mass protest that slavery was declared abolished in 1833: 46,000 slave owners were given 20m in compensation (17bn in todays money), the largest payout in British history and 40 per cent of all government spending that year. Now Im trying to imagine just what the strongest case for reparations might be, but even in this thought experiment its hard to see what the eligibility criteria for receiving payment should be, what sum should be due, how much proof is required of eligibility not everyone will have a good set of family records etc. Thousands of petitions were presented to parliament. Whether they are too stupid to think of that remains to be seen. For almost 60 years, there was impasse. He was born in Nigeria but arrived in the . . Good point, I wonder how he squares the obviously comfortable living he has writing, opining and broadcasting about slavery with his principles. David will . Nobody will stop you, honest. is that the extra demand distorted the market, led directly to more armed slave-raiding expeditions against rival tribes and so on.. He is a Cultural Marxist trying to destroy the West. David Olusoga is a 49-year-old historian and presenter Credit: Getty - Contributor David Olusoga is a British Nigerian historian, broadcaster and writer. It was the first of the slave narratives that I'd ever read and I found it astonishing.". Ive always agreed that the Africans should pay reparations to the rest of us for dumping all those people they wanted to get rid of on us. Now they do. His autobiography, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, details how he was sold into slavery aged 11, his experience of travelling the world as slave to a Royal Navy officer - who renamed him Gustavus Vassa - and how he bought his freedom from his final master, an English merchant in Montserrat. The vast majority of Americans are not guilty. Theres no point pretending Europeans who profited from either the transatlantic slave trade or the use of slave labour in the Americas were somehow doing a favour to the slaves involved. Dont even get me started on the Moors, Arabs and Ottomans, As for getting rich many African tribes kept slaves and their societies did not get rich. (Britain expended blood and treasure on ending the slave trade, and thereby paid its moral debt already is one way of trying to resolve it, but rather unsatisfactory at righting the wrongs done to those who had already fallen victim to the trade.) That assumes an increase in demand. How would Nigeria treat a foreigner like him? Do I feel like I had anything to do it? "So when black history was missing - the history of empire, the history of slavery - was missing from my history lessons, I didn't have a place to go to discover those missing chapters. Abolition was the first mass philanthropic movement in Britain, and it ended the slave trade in 1807. So this race baiter can try his guilt trip on someone else. Note, hes a renowned economist. Country Star Kacey Musgraves: Voting for Trump Is an Act of Violence. People seem pretty much agreed on what is right and what is wrong. Not to say it was nice. Wider imperialism reparations that include South Asia, China for the Opium Wars and so on, surely even more prohibitively costly, regardless of how effective the education system gets at making young Brits feel a vague sense of guilt about it all. Supported by African authors of slave narratives such as Olaudah Equiano and Ottabah Cugoano, they held meetings all over the country, attracting huge crowds. 2023 BBC. 1894 shipwreck confirms tale of treacherous lifeboat. Sugar plantations were bad. Will Britain change? The German survivors of Stalingrad were sent to camps and most of them worked to death. Whitey bad, give me cash? Or they may discover how little black lives do matter. June 16, 2020 - 20:29 BST Aisha Nozari. Joining them is Psychologist and Lecturer at Lancaster University, Dr David Tod, for a fascinating conversation about the psychology of acting. By this logic, we ought to sue the African American community. Have you ever read the account by Ibn Fadlan of a Viking funeral in Russia? Flyover Americans arent going to take it. See what is right and what is wrong is a live-action reimagining of the slave trade in.. His slaves to the Ottoman empire and white slavery in the West country Star Kacey Musgraves: Voting Trump! Doing some genealogy research when I discovered my great grandfather was a Nazi live in France England! Of a Viking funeral in Russia still goes on with endless boatloads of illegals swarming into Europe Americans... Long after slavery ended in the trade anyway is worse than cotton have taken your as! Much better were paid for and eventually came to dominate it Viking funeral in?... 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